Why So serious Panda bear profile picture

Why So serious Panda bear

I am here for Friends

About Me

Jeremys statement towards me " You think your something special? . . . Your nothing. . ." First off i would like to thank you, yes actually thanking someone for calling me nothing. Jeremy i have known and been with you it seems like my whole life and despite everything that has happened between us over the years i still love you ive always wanted you back. But to tell me im nothing?? really. . . well ive learned that yea actually im am something, im worth more then being called nothing and being talked down to, im worth more then someone always jumping to conclusions on me thinking im always doing everything wrong, because i havent done it your way, so thank you jeremy for finally opening my eyes. . . sorry i cant do anything to help you open yours i tried for about 6 years . . . .Hello My name is Jennifer but almost everyone calls me Jenna 18 I live in georgia at the moment and the weather is amazing, the people i've met in the military are all so nice an amazing and helpful. Im a pretty down to earth person but i love getting loud and crazy with my friends! *Dylan is my neighbor and always will be lol no matter where i live lol. i have known him seems like forever now he is someone you can trust and ask for help when needed or just an awesome person to talk or hang out with. *Veronica, Katie and Spenceyr are my friends i cant live without they bring out the best in me! I met Veronica during wia and she has been a awesome friend since. Plus she is my wife and thats gotta count for alot lol. She is my snuggle buddy always and forever lmao I love you wifey* *Spenceyr is also my wife and a good friend always fun to hang around. She's just to awesome to put in words. *katie is rediculously funny cant get enough of it. We met in The cookie monsters class lol rediculously funny class, I:LOVE:YOU :katie: -you magic geniue******!!!! My brother justin has always been there for me when no one else is and helps me understand things and puts things in perspective. Justin has always been the bigger brother to help me out when i was younger by knowing him and being able to be his sister i know im a better person every day By learning from him. Anyways im very protective of my family and friends i hate drama its pointless it only causes stress. The reason i put my friends in my about me is because without these people in my life i dont think i would be able to be me they all mean the world to me and i want them to know that they are appreciated.Enough Said.{}
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet anyone that is calm and not a asshole cause yea. . . lol i dont think anyone wants to meet anyone that is a jerkface...Image Hover Effects @ JellyMuffin.com

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