The future Mrs. Parks profile picture

The future Mrs. Parks

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.

About Me

This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!
Hi everyone! Well, maybe you want to know a little about me. My name is Crystal. I'm 28 years old. I've lived in Raleigh the last few years, but I moved back to Kernersville in July of 2005 because I'm back in school to get my second degree in Nursing. I also have a Bachelor of Arts in English from NC State (GO WOLFPACK!!!!!!!!!). I spent the last year and a half doing all my prerequisites, like Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Microbiology, Statistics, etc. (aka. the classes I avoided like the plague during my Bachelors degree). I started Nursing school at Forsyth Technical Community College back in January of 2007. I'm in my 4th semester of 5, so I'm well on my way! I'll finish in December of 2008! It can't come soon enough. :)As soon as I finish nursing school, I'll be marrying the love of my life, Jason. He proposed on September 8, 2007. We're getting married on January 17, 2009. After the wedding and honeymoon, we'll be making his house in Salisbury, NC our home... I can't wait! I also have a great family and great friends. What can I say? I have a pretty wonderful life!


My Interests

I love watching movies, traveling, soccer, playing paper-rock-scissors (I'll kick your @$$ at it too! ha ha!), reading, playing my violin, cooking, listening to music, etc... I'll try ALMOST anything once.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to get in touch with old friends... Hope you all are doing well! I'd also like to meet some of my fellow NC State Alums in the Triad area.

Check out what will soon be the best place to get a cup of joe in Winston-Salem... The Living Room!


Rascall Flatts, Kenny Chesney, Sara Evans, Tim McGraw, or almost anything Country, Better Than Ezra, Third Eye Blind, Counting Crows, Cowboy Mouth, The Beatles, etc...


Just about any movie that does not have Bill Murray in it. He sucks...and yes, I'm aware that I'm the ONLY person who thinks this!


Friends, Sex in the City, Pimp My Ride, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, The Apprentice, and anything on the Food Network


Anything by Nathaniel Hawthone, John Grisham books, and almost any piece of Classical Literature

My Blog

We finally have a webpage on

I finally sat down today and made our webpage on!!  I think it turned out well.  Check it out!!! onParksHere's a little prev...
Posted by The future Mrs. Parks on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 11:43:00 PST

Our honeymoon!

We've got our honeymoon booked now.  Yeah!!!  So exciting.  Little things here and there are happening that make it seem so much more real and tangible that Jason and I are getting marr...
Posted by The future Mrs. Parks on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 02:40:00 PST

Back to the drawing board

So, any of you that read my blog know how much time I've spent looking for a song to play at my sister Tracey's wedding on July 21st... 2 weeks from now.  I finally, after soooo long of searching...
Posted by The future Mrs. Parks on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 10:40:00 PST

The song for Tracey's wedding, cont.

So, the song from Phantom of the Opera was vetoed, ha ha.  Not recognizable enough to the potential audience, which is true.  So, I've picked a new song to play on my violin for Tracey's wed...
Posted by The future Mrs. Parks on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 06:30:00 PST

Let's try this profile pimp demo again, shall we?

Okay, since sending you links to Chuck and Rick's (my brothers) myspace pages to show you how I pimped them out for em didn't work, I've decided to save a screen shot of them and post them on here.&nb...
Posted by The future Mrs. Parks on Thu, 24 May 2007 09:26:00 PST

The ongoing saga

So, my car STILL isn't fixed.  I forgot to take my cell phone to work with me last night () and missed a call from my mechanic.  They called me to tell me that they can't fix my Saab... not ...
Posted by The future Mrs. Parks on Tue, 15 May 2007 06:25:00 PST

I might have found the song

So, I think I might have found the unity candle song that I'll play on my violin at my sister's wedding.  The video of it is at the bottom of this blog (thanks youtube).  It's called "All I ...
Posted by The future Mrs. Parks on Fri, 11 May 2007 08:09:00 PST

My car is being annoying

So, no matter what, I still love my new car.  But it's really been annoying me for the last week.  Annoyance factor #1:  So, last Friday and Saturday my car anti-theft alarm started goi...
Posted by The future Mrs. Parks on Thu, 10 May 2007 01:20:00 PST

Unity candle song?

So... I'm looking for everyone's recommendations and opinions on a song I could play on my violin at my sister's wedding in July.  I'll be playing during the lighting of the unity candle.  I...
Posted by The future Mrs. Parks on Tue, 08 May 2007 05:24:00 PST

I'm such a rockstar! :)

Create Your Own PaloozaHead - Visit
Posted by The future Mrs. Parks on Fri, 04 May 2007 11:22:00 PST