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About Me

I Love being a mom of 3!!!Thin girls annoy meI like to be the dominate oneI smoke but hate when people smoke around meI miss going to barsI love being engaged to JeremyI miss my pregnant boobsI hate the number 6 I hate going to the moviesI have OCD's especially about how my clothes are foldedI cant wait to get marriedI need a jobCrickets scare the crap out of meI hate talking on the phoneI pick at everythingI like to eat Rolaids and Tums for no reasonI love how it feels to get a tattoo but hate getting a needleI think pasta is the best food everI'm addicted to buying shoes and underwearI actually like changing my baby's diapersI love to cleanOk, maybe I have some issues,but thats just me. / <a href=" 29tbWVudHMuY29tL2dyYXBoaWNzL3BvcHVsYXI=/a>