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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

It is said that there has been a consciousness drifting through the Universe since first it emerged. It is thought that it arrived on Earth billions of years ago and took up residence in the fabric of this planet where it consequently started to dream out the Earth as we know it from the memories that it had of it's previous physical existences or incarnations. The memories appeared in the form of the Spirits of Land Sea and Air of Knowledge and Wisdom that had accrued on it's journey through eternity. Slowly, as the dreams drifted through the fertile being of Mother Earth, she came to life. The consciousness flowed through the Earth in a network of channels that had become the neurological network of The Earth. The channels of consciousness surfaced at certain places on the Earths surface and as Human beings were set free (for they had to be free)in this perfectly evolved Paradise they soon came to know these as the places where they could fill their own beings with the consciousness of the Earth and forces that had come to live within her. Many ancient cultures suspected these forces to be complex multi-dimensional beings that not only inhabited the Earth beneath their feet but also everything that lived and existed upon it. So the Idea of the Dragon was born. The place where they surfaced inevitably became the Dragonhills. It is thought or suspected that primitive humans may have had a greater connection, certainly reverence, for these ancient spirits that still dwell just below the surface of our world and form the fabric of our everyday consciousness. However, during the last chapter of the Human adventure they have chosen to disregard this important dimension of our Planet. The Human Race has learnt to distrust those who have attempted to access the consciousness. For the temptatation to abuse the power that it offers is great and unnecessary horror and destruction has been unleashed on tha face of the Earth in it's name.We are now damaging the Earth so severely in this disregard and our pursuit of material gain that the life support systems of our world our showing signs of stress. It is time for us to take heed of the warnings that we are being given and listen to what our Mother Earth is telling us.The Dragonhills have always been places, the sacred sites where the consciousness has emerged and so it is that it has merged within these Electronic networks. Dragonhill is a way of connecting human beings, through the Spirits of the Earth, back into the Consciousness that surrounds us that for so long we have chosen to ignore. The theories of Dragonhill can be accessed by anyone anywhere. The Wisdom contained within is what used to be called 'commonsense' and basic occult knowledge to do with basic relationships with Time, Space, Each other, the other Animals that live on the Earth and the complex beautiful Universe that surrounds us. It is manifest in the material world as a game.(See Pics. The Lands of Dragonhill) Set in an imaginary landscape the Travellers access the wisdom by visiting the Castles and Spirits where the wisdom has been dreamed out by the Dragon who sleeps in the Hill. On the journey the Traveller is(as in life) propelled through the various regions by good and bad happenings and experience, receives inspiration both from divine and fellow human sources. As he gains experience, wisdom and greater knowledge of the Spirits he is able to travel faster through the landscape and so eventually beat his fellow travellers to the top of Dragonhill where he or she will again experience the joy of being once again reunited with the Consciousness that now dwells within the Earth. Dragonhill is producing this game in small numbers mainly to order. It is hoped that a time will soon arise when the Human Race having turned it's back on the destruction of their Home, will regard Dragonhill as The Monopoly of the 21st Century where the idea of the accumulation of wealth is exchanged for the accumulation of Wisdom.Dragonhill is also aware that there are enormous ethical problems with producing such a game. Games are made cheaply by underpaid Chinese and Eastern Europeans. This is clearly not an option for a game such as Dragonhill. So they will never be on sale for 29.99 in toys 'r' us. However it can be found on E.bay (product no.260207000489 Also it has been decided that this idea should be entered into the consciousness of the Human race via this electronic web . It is hope that this idea can gather momentum in the fertile minds of those privileged citizens of Earth now connected into this marvellous communications device reaching across the face of the Earth and possibly play a small part in reversing her current plight.I Thank you for your interest..Dragonhill

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Ancient Stones of Callanish So it was I came to stand amongst these Ancient Stones, A desire that had been harboured from Long ago To make the journey through our land, across the Sea, Then back through time to when These upright splinters were carved from in the Earth And carefully placed upon this Holy rise, A traveller both in space and time I have become, My Origins five thousand years and one thousand miles from here Are fading as I look out across the sea and misty Lands, I cast my vision to the vast Eternity That lies beyond these gentle hills And Between these silhouetted Shards Engraved with veins and igneous folds That tell of their fiery creation at the start of time, I am held Gently as if these were the days When the Earth was a little more enhanced By the grace of these builders who dreamed to celebrate The construction and the wonder of their World; I wondered of the calculations and Observances, Who marked the transits of the Sun and Moon And where they fell to Earth on the Magic solstice Who said that this was where this Stone To mark the Equinox would be, Who tracked the Revolutions of the stars And how they would return, year after year To mark the times of all their lives Who first discovered that the hills beyond Held a sleeping goddess who would always Be reborn when the moon shone down upon her breast And who it was, who so decided to embed These discoveries high upon this hill; Had they some notion that now is lost That to make this connection between The Gods and Goddesses of the Earth and Sky Would bring some advantage to their precarious lives, Or had they come to some belief That if they mixed the Force of Life They knew to be flowing through the Earth With the harmony they found that dwelt within the Stars That if they held their ceremonial rites Amongst a Circle of Stones so perfectly conceived To reflect the laws that governed this creation Then they would conjure up a Supernatural space From which their prayers might be given some special passage To the otherworldly spirit realms where, Perhaps these laws had first been made And where all the fates of Earth are held.All the Mystical Mythical Faeries Wizards Poets Warriors and Healers who feel a deep connection with Our Mother Earth. Alll those who have taken or would like to take the journey deep into her being, into her very essence to celebrate and heal her.href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vczI3Mi5waG90b2 J1Y2tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL2pqMTYyL2RyYWdvbmhpbGw0Mi8/YWN0aW9uPX ZpZXcmY3VycmVudD1kYWxhaWxhbWEuanBn" target="_blank"> .. YEAR OF THE OX

My Blog

The Dragonhill

   The Dragonhill.            When the Ancient Race of Mystics first embedded the system of Dragonhill into the consciousness of the Earth far back in the mists of time, they could not have foreseen t...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Jul 2009 08:46:00 GMT

The Landscapes of Dragonhill

     The Landscapes of Dragonhill.            Far back in the Mists of time a race of humans established a connection with the Life force of the Earth. They came to understand that this Life force exi...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 04:03:00 GMT

The Cloak.

  The Cloak Wisdom            The Lands of Dragonhill have been woven into the invisible realms that dwell just below the surface of all of our lives. We can all become travellers through these lands....
Posted by on Mon, 11 May 2009 07:48:00 GMT

The Book of Spells

The Book of Spells Wisdom.As we journey through the lands of Dragonhill we will become involved in a series of situations and experiences. They will include encounters with the landscape, people and a...
Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 02:16:00 GMT

The Dagger

              The Dagger Wisdom.            The Lands of Dragonhill are extensive and diverse enough to allow the intervention of the forces of Darkness into the journey of the traveller. As we have s...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 08:58:00 GMT

The Torch

 The Torch Wisdom.            Dragonhill and its mythical lands exist of course, in a wider Universe. In the Sword, our will to battle with the forces of Life and Death was recognised as fundamental ...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 07:33:00 GMT

The Magic Bones

The Magic Bones.            Dragonhill is the construction of a mythical landscape. This landscape is divided into the regions through which the traveller will pass as he or she makes her way to the d...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Apr 2009 12:06:00 GMT

Okino's Vision

                                     Chapter Two .                                     Okinos vision.Okino had come to the monastery in the true tradition. He was born in the town of Delai that nestl...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Apr 2009 09:56:00 GMT

The Sword wisdom

                              The Sword Wisdom. If once we have made the decision to embark on the journey through the Dragon lands we will have to be prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead. T...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Apr 2009 08:43:00 GMT

The Temple of the Dragon.

                                                                 The Temple of the Dragon.High in the Mountains of the long forgotten world of Arimathea, eleven monks sat silently on their prayer mats ...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Jan 2009 09:44:00 GMT