No, this is not a place for one single band - Schattenheim is a place where H.Kern will show the projects "Rational Emission", "Swallowredrain" and also the work of mostly close Friends and Projekts he likes.
Schattenheim (Shadowhome) is not a Label - it is a idea of friendship and a way to spread art to people with a free and indipendent spirit.
Here you will find more informations about the other Bands and Projects under this flag:www.schattenheim.org
Some Videos from the Schattenheim friends - feel free to comment on this side:
SWALLOWREDRAIN with the song "journey"
SWALLOWREDRAIN with the song "angelize"
RATIONAL EMISSION with the song "Burning Bush" the short version (there is a 10 minutes version on youtube - if you are hard enough :-)
SWALLOWREDRAIN with the song "Seelenmord Part 1"
HANGMEN ALSO DIE with the song "Seelenmord Part 2"
die letzen beiden Videos entstanden im Rahmen einer Kooperation von RATIONAL EMISSION und DIASOUND zum Thema "Sexuelle Ausbeutung von Kindern - Versuch der Verarbeitung in der Kunst".
the last two Videos are part of a work against sexual abuse of children. A cooperation between RATIONAL EMISSION and DIASOUND.