fiber optics. danny kass. spacetravel? robes. chapstick. grape juice. yellow legal pads. veins. seatle. davelmurphyandrew. fist fights. baseball games. fireworks. starry nights. tacos. juicy fruit. tulips. water. robin hood. winter. laughing. mad luck. carmen san diego!! going commando. naked. ace of diamonds. chicken burgers. snowboarding. beef jerky. west indies. CHIMICHANGAS. cliff jumping. pic-nics. parking garages. water ice. exploring. name tags. ups trucks. globetrotting. fruit. toothpaste. boats. old music. motel six. storms. malibu rum. the beach. art. bonfires. the zoo. snow. jeans. camping. stars. sprinklers. diamonds. gold. white. TANDEM SKIING in full body snowsuits. disaster. axe touch. whips.(hah, no). the pipeline. detroit red wings. wood. steak subs. laidback friends. pocketchange. pick pockets. holding hands. free food. missions. canadians. oregon chia tea. me & emerson's curb watching business. crime. and i'm thinking windmills are pretty cool. slu. and sailing.
↓ comment hur.
i like hip-hop. rap. r&b. things like that.
arrested development. dora the explorer.
my life. by bill clinton. hahaano.
Olivia. always. ♥