this boy is my EVERYTHING.he may have been unexpected..but he's still loved like no other.and this love that ive got for him..its UNC0NDITI0NAL.nobody can take it away and nothing can change livin life for this boy.tryin to make things better for myself AND for him. ♥
my bests.these ladies have seen me at my BEST and at my W0RST.i dont know where i would be without their love and support.we've been through alot but N0THING can break what we've got.they're IRREPLACEABLE.i luuuh them. ♥
my boys.ive got this bond with them thats inexplicable.theyve been there for me through THICK and THIN.through the UPs and D0WNs.i love these fools like they were my blood brothers. ♥
this guy.nobody can make me feel the way this guy does.we've been through shit but N0THING can break what's so UNBREAKABLE.hes taught me alot over the past 3+ years and im thankful for having him in my life. ♥
stress relievers.what can i say..when i need some AL0NE time..all i need is my smokes and my starbucks.D0NT JUDGE ME.