I'm 5'7, dirty blonde, green eyes, lean. I like learning about people, about who they are, what they believe, what they've gone through to reach the point they're at in their lives. I like to go out to the movies a lot and spending time with my friends. In my spare time when I'm not out and about I tend to read and write. I like learning things, moreso knowing things, and I'm always trying to learn more about everything. My favorite "subject" to learn about is people.
I tend to be obsessive when I like something, which isn't often. I'm a loner by nature, although I need people to motivate me. I've recently been failing pretty much everything I do. I'm pretty lost about who exactly I am and I'm emotionally all over the place, varying by how I feel when I wake up in the morning. I know where I want to go in life, but I'm pretty much fucked getting there. I remember my dreams at night about once a month. I don't really trust anyone, and I don't really think anyone knows me, not anymore. If I try and open up to you, you should either feel blessed or afraid... or both.
People think I'm a generally pretty nice person, and I am. I'm always there for people, I go out of my way to help people out. I'm very touchy-feely, so expect that, I like to hug people, and sometimes kiss 'em on the cheek. I'm introspective, unless you get me going, then I'm pretty loud and won't quit - that's pretty rare nowadays. I don't have many interests, which makes me kind of boring sometimes, but I'm up for pretty much anything you'll drag me along to. I'm messy and disorganized as all hell. I work 6 days a week.
I'm from a little dinky town called Lake Isabella, in Kern County, California. I now live in La Palma in Orange County, California.
Yahoo ID - [email protected]
AIM ID - Mepersoner2000
"People would see a lot of times fighting as a ugly thing, as a thing that denigrates the human being. In reality, you see fighting on everything," says Gracie.
"Everything's fighting?" Pelley asks.
"Everything's fighting. Doesn't matter what it is. You wake up in the morning, to get outta bed is a fight, believe it," Gracie says. "So, fighting is actually the best thing a man can have in his soul."