I'd like to meet:
" La mia vicina "
E' arrivata da poco, abita qui solo da qualche mese.Bruna, alta.Conosco il suo nome e la sua età , 37 anni.E' donna, si vede da come si muove, certa nel passo e nello sguardo.Colgo i suoi momenti.Qualche volta l'ho incontrata fuori scuola delle sue bimbe, diversamente dalle altre madri, accoglie le sue figlie come se non le vedesse da tempo, le stringe, le bacia, le coccola, ci scherza, gareggia con loro nella corsa.Ma qualche giorno, le tiene strette a sè, e gli occhi e la mente, lontani altrove.L'ho vista in cortile, scaricare la spesa, forte, veloce.Giocare col suo cane, con in viso il sole.L'ho vista uscire di sera, truccata, più seria di sempre e rientrare, magari al mattino, stanca, ma composta, mai felice.L'ho vista in giardino, assorta nelle luci delle candele, ascoltare la sua musica, lo sguardo perso.Chissà quali i suoi sogni! Spende qualche parola gentile col vicinato, ma rimane sulle sue, appare altera.Eppure, deve essere molto di più, di questa mia algida descrizione.L'ho sentita, l'ho vista ridere, non sò se lo facesse di cuore, ma le auguro, che presto, sia il suo cuore a sorridere!
" Feeling the solitude of my way to be...so far from every spirit around me ! "
"My neighbour"
She arrived from short time,she lives here only from some month. She has dark hats, she is high. I know her name and her age, 37 years. She's WOMAN,I understand it from as she moves, sure in the step and on the look. I pick her moments. Some time I have met she outside school of her children, various from the other mothers, receives her daughters like if it did not see them for a long time, she tightens them, she kisses them, she caress them, she jokes with them, she competes with them in the race. But some time,she holds tightened herself the girls and the eyes and the mind, far elsewhere. I have seen her in the courtyard, to unload the purchases, she's strong, she's fast. She play with her dog, with the sun on her face. I have seen her go out the evening,with a beautiful make up , more serious than always and to come back to morning, tired, but composed, never happy. I have seen her in the garden, absorbed in own thoughts,in the lights of the candles, to listen her music, the lost look. Which her dreams?! She spends some kind word with neighbours, but she remains reserved , she seems strict. Yet, she must be a lot more than this my cold description. I have listened her, I have seen her to laugh. I don't know if she made it with her heart, but I wish her , than soon, it's her heart to smile!
Ale§§andrA / Written by me (25.04.2006)