I'm Wyatt, people on the track team call me Quenton, my ghetto posse calls me Sixxx-Ray. Timberland will always be the best clothes. Family Guy owns all. My friends are better than yours. Myspace sux! If you wanna know about me then talk to me I'm that handsome guy who says the funny stuff.
Music Video Codes By VideoCodeZone
Have You Ever...
Been on a train: Your mom train! HAHAHAH!
Been on a plane: One time I got hit by a speeding plane.
Caused a car accident: You see I jumped through a keyhole when I was high and a car blew up and all the babies melted to death.
Run into a wall: No I tried to jump through a keyhole though.
Burned a potato chip: Yes I burned it so my friend could listen to it.
Been drunk: You know wat, ask John Roberts that lol! But seriously he will rape you on the spot.
Been high: Are you a talking dinosaur, or am I high? Because normally dinosaurs don't explode like that.
Broken the law: Shhh I jumped through a keyhole one time.
Burned a cd (if yes, the one above is a yes too): Yes I lit in on fire and threw it and it exploded like a rat with the plague.
Kissed someone of opposite sex: You.
Kissed someone of same sex: Mmmm baby, lets roll.
Frenched an animal: Hmmmmmmm.....no....I mean yes....wait! No. Yes.
Had an online relationship: Yes with a vampire named Leetness Haxorella
Loved: Puff the Magic Hobo.
Made yourself cry: Your mom cry LOLOLOL OWNED ;D
Cried in public: That time when I jumped through a keyhole.
Cried over a movie: The Miracle of Life
Fallen asleep in a movie theater: Your mom movie theater LMAO U GOT SERVED!!
Been to a boarding school: This is too easy.
Been home-schooled: Yo MAM...wait. No. Not this time. I'm better than that.
Lost a valuable item: One time Mr. Conlin called me Zach Sarah. Wat the fack was he thinkin?
Bungee jumped: Myspace sucks. Jumping thru keyholes for the win gangsta!
Skied: Skied? Like in the sky? Was I the sky? Go away!
Met the president: Yes Abe and Washington and my other pals in the W-House
Met a celebrity: Your MA-wait. Yeah! YO MAMA! HAHAHA! YEAH! YEAHHHH!
Gotten a cavity: I don't hab any teef.
Made a prank call: Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Benjamin Franklin!
Skipped School: Yes I skip to school. I don't get it.
Faked sick to get out of school: Why would I want to get out of school? I fake umm health.
Bought something you knew wouldn't fit: ...................................................I am so high.
Climed a tree: Clime? Is jumping through a keyhole considered "climing"? I can do that.
Fallen from a tree: Is the empire state building a tree? If it is, then NO. lol
Broken a bone: Oh poor Woofie. I broke his bone and hid it in the couch cushions.
Sprained anything: I sprained your...ummm...brain with my awesome diss! Yeeeeah I still got it.
Passed out: ...*thump* No I just died.
Made yourself pass out: ......*smoke LSD*....*thump*
Been to Disney World: .....*smoke LSD*....*see Disney World* ...Hey look its Mickey Mouse.
Been to a theme park (not disney): No but I jumped through a keyhole when I was high one time.