The history of Code of Arms........condensed into a bite sized package for you ease of enjoyment.
A long, long time ago, in a suburb far, far away.....Crazynafe, who at the time was just know as plain old nafe, had just been a band that had split up and was looking to form a new band of open minded crazy experimental people to push the limits of where metal begins and insanity ends.
Holmsie had just reurned from two years in a resort and nafe asked him to make a band with him. Around the same time nafe scored a radio show (Anarchy on the Bay on bay fm 100.3 )and was given the name crazynafe as well as discovering the amazing bongo talents of Jazzman, the rythym artist from fuck knows where. Together with Russberga and Aj code of arms was born with a sworn dedication to saving the world from shit bubblegum mass produced unoriginal music.
More will be written about the bands strange and twisted history at futher date, like aproximately the day that my hangover wears off.
After a fair bit of practice and writing we had a few songs written and recorded in rough demo form, with them being able to recieve airplay on Bayfm, helping give the band exposure before we were ready to gig.After a while A.J. drifted away from the band to concenterate on his own amazing bass playing, and we somehow lost contact with Russ after he moved, and so we became three for awhile.Then we discovered Venus, and chucked her off the guitar and onto the bass and are at the moment teaching her our songs, so check soon for some new recordings and photos!