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Sarah B.

Religion is the opium of the masses.

About Me

Myspace Codes & Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Raising my son, music, art, continuing my education, traveling, colorful conversation, reading really great books, taking nothing for granted...

I'd like to meet:

People with integrity who can provide me with stimulating you even exist?


The Hidden, The Clash, Wheezer, Cake, Sublime, Ramones, The Misfits, LeTigre, Dalhlia Seed, White Stripes, The Ataris,Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, the Cure, 80's Music, Metal, Deee-Lite, Frankie Bones, DJ Spooky, 12 Majestik, Aesop Rock, The Streets, Sage Francis, The Doors, Beatles, Janis, Jimmi, Miles Davis, Johnny Cash, Tori Amos, Punk, Hip Hop, Classical, Drum and Bass, Reggae, I'm a music whore!!!!!!!!!!


Clueless, Tarantino Flix, SPUN, Ghost World, Pecker, 80's Movies, Heathers, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Limeny Snickets: A Tale of Unfortunate Events, Tim Burton Movies...Satire, dark comedies... I've seen too many to remember them all!


Anything by Tom Robbins, Quitting The Nairobi Trio, Dharma Punx, Catcher In The Rye, Running With Scissors, Dry, The Hobbit, A Seperate Piece, On The Road, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, Dr. Seuss, The Very Busy Spider, One Monster After Another, A Boy Called It, The Hidden Wholeness.

My Blog

reserve america

reserve america is the anti-christ...well maybe not the anti-christ but it's sure a pain in the ass...I've tried to make camp ground reservations to camp at standish 3 summers in a row through reserve...
Posted by Sarah B. on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 04:41:00 PST


I've been tagged... ut oh!~here is how it works: *once you have been tagged, you need to write a blog with 10 weird or random facts, or habits about yourself. *at the end you choose 10 people to be ta...
Posted by Sarah B. on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 06:37:00 PST

A Reply

Love is something I didn't believe in was something I never thought I could do again...but rather quicky I found that I can love and trust... but this time it is different, it's natura...
Posted by Sarah B. on Tue, 02 May 2006 05:35:00 PST

Burger King

Why can't life be like Burger King?... "Have it your way" what an ingenious motto...instead we have to comply to rules, norms, codes, regulations, ethics, nature... I'm not selfish nor to I want ...
Posted by Sarah B. on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 05:55:00 PST

Hearts of Palm

Shallow, like the chambers of my  heart... I feel the blood coursing throuh my vains, like an electircal current, turning me on... my hungry mind yearning for more...but the heart is shallow fore...
Posted by Sarah B. on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 05:45:00 PST

St. Patrick's Day

Not offense to anyone out there but why do so many bloody american's feel the need to wear green and drink beer today? Do any of you really know the meaning behind today and why the Irish celebrate St...
Posted by Sarah B. on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 06:40:00 PST


Today my hopes of buying a new car were crushed... not that I'm a materialistic person, I do like stuff but I could easily give it all up for a hut on the beach... But anyway not only do I want a new ...
Posted by Sarah B. on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 07:19:00 PST

Down Time

Does any one else dislike down time? I find that when I'm sitting around with nothing to do my mind, races, wonders, or sometimes gets stuck in one thought! I try so hard to get out of it but it'...
Posted by Sarah B. on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 09:28:00 PST

Fortune cookies

The fortune in my cookie told me that you had to kiss a few frogs before Prince Charming comes along... The cookie is right!
Posted by Sarah B. on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 11:59:00 PST


They say it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. I don't believe this to be true. I loved with all my heart and soul, in good times and bad, I stayed committed to my r...
Posted by Sarah B. on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 12:38:00 PST