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Welcome to the World of Joecraft

About Me

Hi im Joe, i just got back from Iraq for the second time, its good to be back in oregon! im in the oregon national gaurd now, and i am taking math 95, writing 122 and speech 100 currently, i havent yet signed up for spring term. i am currently going to the lane community college. I drive a 2007 red Mitsubishi Eclipse, trying to get a photo uploaded, im so lazy lolIf you play world of warcraft, I am on the azjol-nerub server my main is a lv 70 paladin and yes he is a retpro.. got other alts too started on a pvp server but wanted to actually get to play the game instead of a incessant gankfest... so i moved to a carebear server and i will flag pvp all the time now that i can actually fight back... stupid 13 year olds and there corpse camping... /rant off

My Interests

Romance, electronics, computers, computer games, traveling, writing poetry, eating good food, family, friends, college.

I'd like to meet:

i guess ill know when i accidently knock her over lol :) guess that means i have to stop playing so many video games on my down time :D


evanesence, system of a down, linkin park, celtic music, trance to name a few paul stanely's live to win, and shrek2 that i need a hero song :D


Constantine, the entire James Bond collection, Beserker (anime), Love Hina (anime), Wicker Park, Family guy, futurama, to name a few, i have a lot of movies lol


family guy, futurama, i think american dad is hilarious, everybody loves raymond, and yes i used to be a trekkie when i was a kid lol :)


I havent had a chance to read the harry potter books yet, i know im missing out....... oh well maybe ill have time to read them now that im back. cant pull away from daily life and world of warcraft....


well soldiers mostly, but firefighters, people who battle through cancer and other hard or impossible to cure things, policemen and women/men who have proven themselves to rise above adversity

My Blog

An essay I wrote in high school called my Comfortable Place

My Comfortable PlaceBy Joseph PadillaI have found it quite hard to pick a comfortable place because I am never really comfortable. I have pressure release valves to keep my sanity, such as work, enter...
Posted by Joseph on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

A Shade of Lonely

People push me awayBecause they dont understandThat I am just here To lend them a handI am the voice never heardThe one that speaks insideSo not to be exposedYou simply run and hideI am not here to h...
Posted by Joseph on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


My tears deflected,My efforts neglected,My love rejected,My stone hollow heartHath poison injectedHad my heart been protectedMy soul would not need resurrected geovisit(); ...
Posted by Joseph on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Useless Hunter

Physically cavemen We are in a wayAdaptive hunters Catching our preySociety evolvedHumans did notOur prey always changingBut huntings our lotAdaptive huntingIs now just a gameWe find ourselves huntin...
Posted by Joseph on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Made to be Broken

Nice guys are differentBy word and by deedsAnd it seems to me todayThe most rare of the breedsIt is increasingly clearWe become more rare by the dayTreating others rightIs just the nice guys wayBut u...
Posted by Joseph on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Chosen Poison

Its amazing in lifeIn so many waysThat we daily decideTo enter the fraySometimes we winSometimes we loseBut does it depend On the choices we choose?The answer is yesThe answer is noIs it your peers w...
Posted by Joseph on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Fortress of Solitude

On a hill far awayIn an uncharted landStands a fortress tallBuilt by my handsBlack and forebodingWalls made of stoneWithin my fortressI find home sweet homeIn its dungeonsI keep prisoner my soulAltho...
Posted by Joseph on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST