Perfect Little Angel profile picture

Perfect Little Angel

How you doin'

About Me

My name is Shannon... I have eyes that change colors every day, brown hair. I'm 5'7", I weigh 130 lbs, I'm the sexyest person that you are ever going to meet! he he No just kidding but yeah I'm a really fun person to be around... most of the time. Well if you want to talk to me feel free but you have to be able to hold a diecent conversation with me. Oh and if you ever want to see the biggest smile on my face, ever, just send me a gardenia... (It's a flower by the way.) I have to go now because I have work in the morning... I'm the owner so I have to be there early (yawn) Hope to hear from you soon. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

FAVORITES: QUOTE - "Don't put of what you can do today until tomorrow.... what if tomorrow never comes?" DREAM JOB - Well besides wanting to do everything? Cop or a Business owner or a pediatrician or a singer!:) COLOR - green PERSON - mom SPORT TO PLAY - softball SPORT TO WATCH - basketball (KINGS ROCK) well they used to they kinda suck now that they're being gay and trading all of their good players. FOOD - chinese food, mexican food and sea food, basically any food that I can eat. (As long as it's not spicy) CARTOON CHARACTER - goofy (he kissed me when I went to Disneyland! he he) or snoopy (because I'm cute like Snoopy!) WORD - LIKE (That word is one of my bad habbits) MOVIE QUOTE - "steven tyler pjs... steven tyler pjs" -Pauly Shore in Son in Law SONG TO HEAR - "Kokomo" by the Beach Boys SONG TO HAVE SOMEONE SING TO ME - "The way you look tonght" Frank Sanatra

I'd like to meet:

Vin Diesel, Johnny Depp, or my personal favorites Brad Paisley or Kenny Chesney!! SEXY!!!! No but I really love to meet new exiting people... cool people... like me.... Just kidding. But for you guys out there I really like people who can hold a somewhat intelegent conversation so if you can't say more than a 3 word sentence you might as well not waste your breathe on me. For those of you who can then bring it on I always love a chalenge... like trying to spell, because I suck at it obvously.


COUNTRY!!! Heck yeah baby I'm so a country girl! No, I listen to a little bit of everything... Kenny Chesney, Brad Paisley, Beach Boys, Temptations, Nelly, Bowling for Soup, ACDC, Scorpions, Heart, Usher, Sean Paul, ect. But the only music I can't stand is the "let's scream because we don't really know how to sing, and we like to slit our wrists!" You can't even understand what they're saying! Why the he** do they even call it music.


I have about 2000 movies! Well after that I just stopped counting... I LOVE MOVIES!!! I have about every movie you'll ever think of!! Just ask me =) *hehe*


The only tv I watch is American Idol, Cops or when I'm going to sleep and have Fresh Prince or the Disney Channel in the background. (Yes I watch the Disney Channel. Look at me you don't think that I'm secure enough with myself to say that I watch the Disney channel ..... serously!)Oh and I LOVE "Friends"


Harry Potters ha ha I'm a book nerd. I love a good book, mostly mystery and Harry Potter is about as mystery as they come. Yeah give me a good book, a puzzle, some white cheez-its and some grape juice and I am so set for the day. ha ha


I've never really thought about it but if I had to choose right now on the spot there are truely 4 people... my mom because she has to put up with me, my dad because he always saves me from the biggest guy mistakes of my life!!! My little sister because shes the bomb!