well my interest are mainly art and drawing, paintball, and te kwan do.View My Special Ops Brigade Page
My Home Town Ketchikan Alaska.
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You are followed by the Demon of Kindness. True
that doesn't really sound like a demon, but
this Demon makes you care a lot about other
people and leave little time for yourself.
People love you for that, but how much do you
love yourself? If you really want this Demon to
leave, teach others how to stand on their own
two feet and maybe turn down the ones who only
use you. This is probably the best Demon to be
stuck with though.
What Demon Follows you? ..:Interesting Pics:..
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The Smiley Condom!!
You enjoy being a tease. You like to be chased. You
are very flirtaous and the attention you get
feeds you self-esteem. You are not sure of
yourself in many areas and even in this one you
tend not to know exactly where you stand, so by
playing hard to get you assure you are wanted.
rejection is too hard for you and you are
typically scared of failure.
Best Position: The Spoon ( him behind her on thier
Condoms!! what is your kind of condom AND what does it mean?( with pics not dirty sheesh!)
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You are the Angel of Wonder. You love seeking out
new knowledge, and spreading it to other
people. You are very smart, but modest about
it, and people often come to you for advice.
You can be shy at times, and you love silence,
but you value your friends a lot. You are
amazed easily, and very observant, appriciating
even the smallest of details.
What are you the Angel of?
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~Guardian Angel~
A protecter. A fighter. A defender. You will do
anything to protect the ones you care about.
You wll even self sacrafice yourself for
them. You think they deserve more than you,
and you think its your duty to protect them,
in anyway you can.
A guardian,
will help, physically and also emotionaly,
But they will also protect themselves.
"I will die to protect, to know that.. i
have done this for those i care about"
What is the angel form of your spirit?
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pretty much anything love brittish comedy,horror movies are funny as hell, cant really find a movie i cant not enjy though it does happen
http://www.filecabi.net/host/file/asianknifeskills/wmv go here i mean holy fucking shit this chick is nuts
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MY heros Is LEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYY JJEEEKKKKKKINSSSSSSSSS. and homer simpson, I adopted a cute lil' ninja fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus! my super ninja fetus is my hero smacking down bitches from even inside a jarteam ryouko is a group of guys that i think are cool as fuck even if they are from canada