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About Me

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*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Raven R
Date of Birth: 1/15/93
Birthplace: Kentucky
Current Location: Marengo In
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'3
Heritage: too many to think of
Piercings: ear
Tattoos: not yet
Band/Singer: Yellowcard
Song: Light up the Sky
Movie: E.T.
Disney Movie: Aladdin
TV show: House
Color: Blood Red
Food: Cheese
Pizza topping: Cheese and Peperoni
Ice-Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Drink (alcoholic): none
Soda: Mountain Dew
Store: Hot Topic
Clothing Brand: Tripp
Shoe Brand: Tripp
Season: Fall
Month: October-
Holiday/Festival: Halloween
Flower: Rose
Make-Up Item: Eyeliner
Board game: Triva Persuit
This or That
Sunny or rainy: In the middle
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: Sour
Love or money: LOVE
Phone or in person: PERSON
Looks or personality: personality
Coffee or tea: BOTH
Hot or cold: Just right
Goal for this year: Ummm to have the best summer
Most missed memory: My dog Lucy
Best physical feature: Eyes
First thought waking up: I wanna go bck to sleep
Hypothetical personality disorder: ??????
Preferred type of plastic surgery: none
Sesame street alter ego: none
Fairytale alter ego: umm none
Most stupid remark: Youre stupid lol
Worst crime: stealing a traffic light
Greatest ambition: lots of things
Greatest fear: losing Yanis
Darkest secret: Im scared
Favorite subject: um none
Strangest received gift: Um that would be a condom
Worst habit: cussing
Do You:
Smoke: no
Drink: no
Curse: fuck yea
Shower daily: every other day
Like thunderstorms: no
Dance in the rain: hell nah
Sing: all the time
Play an instrument: fuck no
Get along with your parents: sometimes
Wish on stars: nope
Believe in fate: yes
Believe in love at first sight: yes i do
Can You:
Drive: can
Sew: no
Cook: ha ha ha no
Speak another language: my own
Dance: sometimes
Sing: yep
Touch your nose with your tongue: :( no
Whistle: :( no
Curl your tongue: yea
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: no
Been Stoned/High: no
Eaten Sushi: yea blahhhh
Been in Love: am right now
Skipped school: yep
Made prank calls: yep
Sent someone a love letter: yep
Stolen something: yep
Cried yourself to sleep: yep
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? when they talk to much about one topic
Are you right or left handed? right
What is your bedtime? whenever I fall asleep
Name three things you can't live without: Yanis, friends and cheese
What is the color of your room? ick brown
Do you have any siblings? nope
Do you have any pets? yep
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? no just severly beat them
What is you middle name? Raven
What are you nicknames? Ray Knuckles Bitch lol
Are you for or against gay marriage? fuck no Im bi!!
What are your thoughts on abortion? Im not for it but Im not gonna hate someone if they chose it
Do you have a crush on anyone? my smexi boyfriend
Are you afraid of the dark? when Im alone
How do you want to die? peacfully
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 10
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? yes
What is the last law you’ve broken? stole a freaking stop light
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Brown/or Black
Eye color: Hazel/brown
Height 5'5-6'2
Weight 100-165
Most important physical feature: heart!!
Biggest turn-off being lied to
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Hey I am 16 and Im in love with the most wonderful guy!!! he is my everything!! I love him with every beat of my heart!!! there isn't a thing I wouldn't do for him!! he's the jelly to my peanut butter! I adore him! so Yanis if u read this I love You with all of my heart! and I will never stop loving u ever! and I know you feel the same way!!!!! but I still love you more! There is so much i love about you! you have helped me fall in love and I know you can say the same, you are truly my dream guy, my prince charming so to speak! I know you are going to be there for me through it all just as Im going to be there for you too, I have your heart and Im never letting you go that's a promise! see everybody it's like I told you Im in love with the greatest guy ever! I know no one is perfect but he's perfect in my eyes! he's good enough for me and he's all I could ever ask for! not to mention he's what I've always dreamed about!! he never leaves my thoughts or my dreams! he is in my heart forever and in my heart he will always be! it pretty much has his name on it! I could go on and on and on about how much he means to me! and I want to I really do but Im only going to write a little more so i dont run out of room!He's my asian vamp...... and he's mine forever!!!well Im going to bed later people!WELL IVE DECIDED TO ADD ON TO MY ABOUT ME SECTION. ME AND YANIS HAVE BEEN TOGETHER FOR ALMOST 5 MONTHS AND IVE NEVER BEEN SO IN LOVE WITH ANYONE THE WAY IM IN LOVE WITH HIM. RIGHT NOW I FIND MYSELF SCARED TO BE WITHOUT HIM. I TELL MYSELF ITS OKAY AND I HAVE HIM AND IM NOT GONNA LOSE HIM, YOU KNOW US GIRLS AND OUR HORMONES, WELL MINE MESSES WITH MY MIND THEY CONFUSE ME AND MAKE ME CRY, WHEN I GET THIS WAY I HAVE TO FIND SOMETHING THAT REMINDS ME WHY I LOVE YANIS SO MUCH, KNOWING WHY ALWAYS MAKES ME RELIVE EVERY PASSIONATE AND ROMANTIC MOMENT THAT WE SHARE, AND NOW I HAVE TEARS OF JOY RUNNING DOWN MY CHEEKS. IM GOING TO HOLD ON TO THIS FEELING UNTILL MY RASH HORMONES ARE GONE, I REALLY NEED HIM TO BE HERE BUT HE'S STILL AT HIS UNCLES. BUT WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT WE WILL BE TOGETHER 24/7 WELL UNTILL COLLEGE AND HIS WORK POPS IN THE PICURE, BUT HE'LL STILL BE COMING HOME TO ME, AND THAT GIVES ME COMFORT. THERES NO WAY ANY OF YOU CAN UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH YANIS MEANS TO ME, AND HOW MUCH HES CHANGED MY LIFE, I REALLY NEED HIM IN MY LIFE, HE MAKES ALL THE SAD AND BAD GO AWAY, I REALLY MISS HIM WHEN IM NOT WITH HIM, IT SUCKS. IVE NOTICED I ONLY GET THIS WAY WHEN EVER TOTM HAPPENS GIRLS YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!! THE BIG DOT THAT WE ALL HATE. WE GET BITCHY, WE CRY, AND SOMETIMES WE GET CONFUSED WHEN THE PERSON WE'RE IN LOVE WITH ISNT AROUND. I KNOW ITS MY HORMONES FOR THE SIMPLE FACT I DONT FEEL THIS WAY WHEN YANIS IS AROUND, EVERYTHING FEELS RIGHT WHERE IT BELONGS AND LIKE NOTHING COULD RUIN THIS MOMENT. I KNOW WHENEVER THE SUN COMES UP AND WHEN I HEAR HIS VOICE, I WONT FEEL SO SAD AND LOST. I'LL FEEL GROUNDED AND SO IN LOVE. GOSH I FEEL MY HEART RACING FROM THE THOUGHT OF HEARING HIM SAY I LOVE YOU. WHEN HE SAYS THOSE THREE WORDS EVERYTHING JUST FALLS RIGHT INTO PLACE. SEE NOW I DONT KNOW WHY MY HORMONES ACTED UP, I THINK ITS THAT BIG DOT AFTER AFFECTS :( I FEEL SICK AT MY STOMACH FOR SOME REASON, I THINK ITS ALL THE HORMONES PLUS WHAT I ATE FOR LUNCH TODAY. ALLS I FOR SURE KNOW IS, I NEED YANIS IN MY LIFE, HE'S THE PERFECT GUY FOR ME AND HE ACTUALLY LOVES ME AND DOESNT WANT ANYTHING BAD TO HAPPEN TO ME, HE'S MY GUARDIAN ANGEL MIXED WITH VAMPIRE WOW THAT MAKES A HOT MIXTURE A VAMPIRE ANGEL "HOT" BACK ON TRACK ..... YANIS MEANS THE WORLD TO ME, AND ANYONE WHO KNOWS ME CAN TELL YOU IM CRAZY ABOUT HIM... AND VISE VERSA! I WANT SO BADLY FOR HIM TO ASK ME THE BIG QUESTION BUT I ALSO WANT HIM TO ASK ME WHEN HE'S READY CAUSE NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES IM GOING TO SAY YES, I DONT THINK HE REALLY KNOWS HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM. I'LL JUST HAVE TO PROVE IT TO HIM. THIS POST TO THE ABOUT ME MIGHT HELP! CONSIDERING ITS MAINLY ABOUT HOW I FEEL ABOUT HIM, SO YEA IM GOING TO WIN THE I LOVE YOU MORE THAN THAT GAME. CAUSE I TRULY DO LOVE HIM WAY MORE THAN HE LOVES ME. HE JUST DOESNT REALIZE IT YET. BUT HE WILL IN GOOD TIME. WELL I'LL WRITE MORE NEXT MONTHWOW ITS DECEMBER ALREADY, AND THAT MEANS ME AND YANIS ARE GETTING CLOSE TO OUR 6TH MONTH MARK, HE HAS HEATED UP THE COMPETITION AND IM STARTING TO THINK HE LOVES ME MORE. BUT IM NEVER GOING TO GIVE UP, I LOVE HIM TOO MUCH TO DO THAT. HE TOOK ME TO SEE TWILIGHT! AND I GOT TO MEET HIS FAMILY WHO I GUESS LIKE ME, I HOPE SO. BUT HE SAID THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT MY EYES LOL! ANYWAYS I KEEP ADDING TO MY ABOUT ME LIKE A JOURNAL! I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT OUR 6TH MONTH ANNIVERSARY. THATS HALF A YEAR (MY LONGEST REAL RELATIONSHIP) MY MOM AGREES THAT HES A KEEPER AND A GOOD GUY FOR ME. I INTEND ON HIM BEING IN MY LIFE FOR A LONG TIME, I HOPE HE CAN DEAL WITH ME LOL JUS KIDDING I KNOW HE CAN, HE KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT ME, INCLUDING ALL OF MY EVIL TRICKS THAT IVE TRIED ON HIM COUNTLESS TIMES AND FAILED AT EVERY ATTEMPT HES VERY SMART!!!! EITHER THAT OF HE JUST REALLY KNOWS ME!!! I CANT BELIEVE ITS ALREADY BEEN OVER 5 MONTHS IT FEELS LIKE WE JUST GOT TOGETHER NOT THAT LONG AGO! BUT IM SO GLAD WE HAVE BEEN TOGETHER THIS LONG, AND THATS NOT GOING TO CHANGE! 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ECT IM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!!!!! WE HAVE THE GREATEST TRUST. I KNOW I CAN COUNT ON HIM TO HOLD ME WHEN I CRY TO ALWAYS LIFT ME BACK UP WHEN I FALL! AND I WOULD DO THE SAME FOR HIM. I WOULD DIE JUS TO KEEP HIM SAFE AND ALIVE AND HAPPY!!!! I NEVER WOULD'VE IMAGINED I COULD EVER LOVE SOMEONE SO MUCH, BUT THEN I FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM AND HES THE GREATEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO ME, HE MEANS THE WORLD AND SO MUCH MORE TO ME. I KNOW THIS LOVE ISNT GOING AWAY, I WOULD BE THE SADDEST PERSON ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET IF I EVER LOST HIM. I FEEL LIKE THE LUCKIEST GIRL, I FOUND TRUE LOVE, NOT THE KIND THAT MOST PEOPLE CALL TRUE LOVE. I MEAN THE REAL AND PURE TRUE LOVE. THE BEST KIND, THERES SO MUCH TO LOVE ABOUT HIM. TOO MUCH TO TYPE! IM DOING THE BEST I CAN TO TRY AND DESCRIBE IT AND IT DOESNT SEEM WORTHY OF BEING TYPED, IT DOESNT SEEM GOOD ENOUGH. I CANT EVER GET IT ALL OUT CAUSE WHAT IF I DO AND THEN BLANK! LMAO NAHH I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN I'LL NEVER RUN OUT OF REASONS TO LOVE HIM. AND I FEEL ITS THE SAME WAY WITH HIM. I'LL GET HIM TO ADMIT IT WHEN HE CALLS ME TONIGHT :) SATURDAY NOVEMBER 29TH BROUGHT ME SO MUCH CLOSER TO YANIS! WE GOT MORE OF OUR FEELINGS OUT IN THE OPEN FOR EACH OTHER TO KNOW. THERES NOT MUCH DETAILS WE USUALLY JUST TALK AND CUDDLE UP TO WATCH A MOVIE! THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY THAT HE CAN BE SWEET AND PASSIONATE WITHOUT BEING A PERV LOL! HE DOESNT DO ANYTHING I DONT WANT HIM TO DO! AND IM PRETTY SURE PEOPLE HATE ME FOR FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM AND VISE VERSA, BUT THEYRE JUST JEALOUS AND THEY NEED TO GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON, HES MINE NOW AND IM HIS. THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO CHANGE IT SO ITS JUST BEST YOU ACCEPT IT AND MOVE ON!!!!!!! I PLAN ON SPENDING MY LIFE WITH HIM. WELL ILL WRITE MORE AFTER OUR 6TH MONTH ANNIVERSARY!!!!Wow it's already been over 6 months, and its almost 7! I figured Id make my extremely large about me even bigger. As you all know things are going well, and I couldn't be happier!!! okay so lets get to some things you actually don't know about me. Im scared to death of spiders!! even the tiny ones they all freak me out. I have a new favorite song its the first song on my profile, its hilarious. School well it still sucks ass as always but I guess its going better than expected from me. Im born to be a writer, but what I really have a passion for is singing and acting. I want so badly to be in a musical one day! I honestly have no clue what college Im going to go to so don't ask me that ever. Gosh, well my best friend (girl wise) would have to be Jessica Jones. I should write a paragraph on her lol.Jessica Jones Lets see, she has been my best friend for almost 11 years. We have most certainly had our share of petty arguments and a few serious ones, but we pulled through it, She accepts me for me, and she is my shoulder to cry on when Im depressed and vice versa. This chick is badass 100% she has a bad temper so its best not to piss her off. Only I get the pleasure of teasing her till she turns red, but she knows I don't mean any harm by it, cause god knows she picks on me too. Jess will always be my best friend.OKAY enough mushy bull crap! I swear this is the longest about me ever, one of my guy friends (Brent) says he can't get halfway through it without getting tired of having to go through so much words. There is a lot to say about Brent, but I'll make it simple, he's a really good guy friend to have around, and he's fun to beat up lol nahh I've been nice to him lately!!!!my other guy friends are Jevin (he's a hippie) J.W. (well he's just straight up evil) Damian (or my bubby) That concludes all of my guy friends that are close to me.I have a lot of things to write about, but for now Im going to save the rest of them for a better time!!!

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One thing tht helps describe the way i feel about Yanis!!


so romantic! what can i say Im a sucker for romance!!


true!!!!!!!!!!!! this is so true!


lol its so sweet :)


this is true about us Yanis!!! never forget it baby!


oh so much passion and romance ima end up crying in a min!!! in a good way!!


I actually stand on my tipy toes to kiss Yanis so thats one reason why i added this!!!


this is true!! another way i feel about Yanis!!


so sweet!!!! and i do that all the time!!


Yanis if u read this, I mean this with all of my heart!


heee hee hee this is true! Im yours and your mine!!


awwwwwwwwwww this made me think of Yanis so much!!!


that would be the end of the world!! if these things werent together!!get it lol!!!


this is perfect!!! i have to remember it!!


awww i love LOVE lol thats all thanks to the love of my life!!


i feel this way a lot too!


it does! really bad! I hate it! theres too many bullshit rules! I cant kiss my boyfriend like i do all the time!! so this is what i say to school, FUCK YOU! I'll do what I want, so FUCK YOUR BULLSHIT RULES!lol nice poem huh?

Which Sonic the Hedgehog Character Are You?
You are a musclebound knuckle-head

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this also happens to be one of m unknown qualities about me

Custom Countdowns & MySpace Layouts
Custom Countdowns & MySpace Layouts
How much does he love u?

How much does he love u?
My Result: together forever
you two are meant to be! he loves you very much and you are one lucky girl!
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see the kick ass results i got from this quiz. THIS IS SO TRUE ABOUT ME AND YANIS I can feel it!

Yellowcard - Light Up The Sky


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How Well Do You Know Raven (me)??
1) What is my first name?
no first name
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Step On Up and try your best to beat my test and prove you know meyou think you do well we'll see!

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<span id="pyzam-glittertext-end&q

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

already met him and hes my true love like it says on the cover

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this is my home girly mariska she is going through one of the toughest times. She is such a beautiful person and a really kickass friend. I feel like Ive known her forever, she reminds me of a younger version of me! Ive gone through the same thing in the past so I know precisely how she feels, and thats how i know she will make it through this!

My Blog

The Stupidity of Peachtree High School a novel by Raven Raines

  The Stupidity of Peach Tree High School Written By Raven Raines  CHAPTER 1Can you believe that 99% of the 7th graders in my school try to get high off of Elmers glue. They think it's an easy way to ...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Apr 2009 16:16:00 GMT

8 months

WOW I am so happy, I have been with the love of my life for 8 months now, that is the longest relationship Ive ever been in!! I haven't ever felt so strongly for anybody else the way I feel for Yanis....
Posted by on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 16:02:00 GMT


Yesterday was one of a million special days, that will happen each month for years to come. Im talking about anniversaries! yesterday, was mine and Yanis's 7th month anniversary. Surprisingly we haven...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 11:59:00 GMT

mine and yanis’s song

You're making choice to live like this, And all of the noise, I am silence. We already know how it ends tonight, You run in the dark through a firefight. And I would explode just to save your life, Ye...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Nov 2008 07:20:00 GMT

I miss Yanis!

this sucks, I couldnt hang out with Yanis saturday, he got in trouble so Im now officially sad! but I get to see him monday so Im starting to cheer up! I got him a few things from hot topic saturday s...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 07:29:00 GMT