Arik profile picture


Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

About Me

"Arik is a screenwriter and playwright from Chicago, where he cut he his teeth producing underground theatre in a dilapidated store-front called 'The Space,' and where his plays developed a loyal cult following. He has been called 'the best legit playwright Chicago has seen since David Mamet,' and 'one of the smartest playwrights working in Chicago,' by critics there. His plays have also been produced in New York and Los Angeles. After a childhood of writing and drawing comics, acting on stage and creating slasher flicks on a camcorder, Arik attended Florida State University on a National Merit scholarship, where he studied theatre. Now based in L.A., he continues to pursue various spec writing projects." (from the press kit of my movie SYMPATHY)
SYMPATHY , the film I wrote and produced, screened at Mann's Chinese Theatre last fall, and recently sold to HBO Central Europe , and landed a video distribution deal with a company in Bucharest . So tell all your Romanian friends to check it out!
My IMDB page (no bullshit)
Friends mean everything to me.
My favorite food is kung pao chicken.
You can read my humor column HERE .
If I wasn't a writer I'd want to be a homicide detective.
I love the smell of used bookstores.
I'm an avid fan of the Chicago Bears and the Chicago Cubs.
Played concert piano at age 4.
THE CHATTERBOX , the radio show I created and hosted, is on an extended hiatus, but you can still listen to highlights on our myspace page .
Let's see, what else about me? I love people watching... I take the hottest showers you've ever heard of... I've been known to burst into song for no apparent reason.
Nobody has more fun than I do. Some come close, but I haven't met the person who enjoys life more than I do.
Plays I've written:
Pinot Noir * (2005)
Somos Gringos Malos, Somos Diablos Blancos (2003)
Thr33s (2002)
Disturbed (2001)
Need (2001)
Serendipity (2001)
Bad-Ass & the Devil (2000)
Bacchae (adaptation) (2000)
Fox, and his friend rabbit (1999)
Sometime in the Morning * (1997)
Cloven Patriarch Photoshoot (co-written with Bob Fisher) (1996)
Jerking-Off at the Mouth (1996)
Crossing Mr. Bridge * (1995)
*=never produced

My Interests

rabble rousing, raising hell, quiet nights at home...
I love live music, stand up comedy, pop culture (especially 80s), cooking, camping, sports, tattoos (5 and counting).
I kick ass at "Name That Tune." I listen to more talk radio than is probably healthy (NPR, Adam Carolla, Howard Stern, Rachel Maddow, Phil Hendrie).
What else? I love the beach, movies, playing guitar, skating, staying up all night talking and debating, texting while driving...

I'd like to meet:



SEVENDUST!!! Their new album is the best since Seasons. And with Clint re-joining the band, I'm retarded happy right now!!!
Metallica (laugh all you want, but I've been to concerts where 'Enter Sandman' pumped through the loudspeakers while roadies set up gets more applause than the headlining band), My Chemical Romance, Killswitch Engage, Sam Cooke, Coheed & Cambria, Veruca Salt (the Nina years), Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, The Jackson 5, Kittie, Soundgarden, Skunk Anansie, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Ben Folds, Fiona Apple, Marilyn Manson, The Monkees, Alice in Chains, Skunk Anansie, Pantera, 90s Gangsta Rap, Halestorm, Dave Ellis, Brian Sharpe...
I was raised on Eagles, Zeppelin and Elton John (thanks mom and dad!)
My favorite song of all time is "You Dropped a Bomb on Me" by The Gap Band. There's no explaining it, I've tried to understand it. This song just fucking rocks...
My go-to karaoke song is "Power of Love" by Huey Lewis & the News (where I rap Dre's verse from "California Love" over the guitar solo -- brings the house down every time).


(not in order, just off the top of my head): THE DARK KNIGHT, Braveheart, The Usual Suspects, Psycho (original), A Few Good Men, The American President, Die Hard, Ponette, Se7en, City of Lost Children, Brick, Full Metal Jacket, Bonnie & Clyde, Double Indemnity, Searching for Bobby Fisher, Beverly Hills Cop I & II, Basic Instinct, Hoosiers, Sin City, This Is Spinal Tap...


Dexter, Arrested Development, The Sopranos, The West Wing, Sports Night, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Cheers, The Biggest Loser, Mythbusters, Knight Rider, The Larry Sanders Show, Battlestar Galactica (the new one), How I Met Your Mother, Frisky Dingo...


My World and Welcome to It by James Thurber, Adventures in the Screen Trade by William Goldman, others...


Aaron Sorkin, Quentin Tarantino, David Mamet, Adam Carolla, Joss Whedon, Penn Jillette, Stephen King, James Randi, Lawrence O'Donnell, Stan Lee, William Goldman, Aaron Spelling, Dave Barry, David E. Kelley, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, Steven J. Cannell, Glen A. Larson, David Chase, Norman Lear, Mitchell Hurwitz, J.J. Abrams, Sam Simon, Conan O'Brien.

My Blog

This has gotten ugly

Read the following open letter to John McCain that appeared in today's Baltimore Sun. It's short. ccain10oct10,0,7557571.storyThen watch the follow...
Posted by Arik on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 07:05:00 PST

go time

"Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress."-Alfred A. Montapert, motivational author"Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if...
Posted by Arik on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 12:12:00 PST

10 random things about me

10 Random things about meOnce you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing the...
Posted by Arik on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 05:20:00 PST