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This is the article for the Photo Action Mag
Beauty, brains and… brawn?
Meet Shenelle. She’s 22, a legal affairs manager and student of business law, and a keen kick boxer. She’s smart, she’s tough, and she’s also gorgeous. For Shenelle is also a highly sort after photographer’s model who has worked with some of the best photographers in town.
Between the modelling and the law smarts, though, it is the Muay Thai kick boxing which is her true passion. She studied Karate first, but was too impatient to hit the bags and stumbled instead across kickboxing. It was to become not just her chosen sport, but her way of life.
So why has kickboxing been the passion to capture this smart, beautiful, successful woman’s obsessions? Well where else can a single gal find so many hot, sweaty, muscular guys in the one room?? Seriously, though, as Shenelle herself puts it, “when you hit the pads with everything you have, you feel invincible. When you put your gloves on, nothing else matters, all your stress is released. Ultimately, to be in a room full of kick boxers all sharing the same love of the sport, the same passion, is to belong. To feel, simply, at home.â€
--Bella and My Beachshoot---
The Clairvoint
for chop fest
Another movie
a music video clip im in
"ARIES: Outgoing. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny. Addictive. Loud. Always has the need to be 'Right'. Aries will argue to prove their point for hours and hours. Aries are some of the most wonderful people in the world"
"im selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. i make mistakes, im out of control and at times im hard to handle. but if you cant handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell dont deserve me at my best. - Marilyn Monroe""
N-nieve! haha j/j
L-loves lube * i mean loves law
L-loves..(being a paparazzi):D
E-easily...easy :s"
written by Jess :P
what is there to say about this 32 year old peasant that people dont already know. she is a narcissistic dynamo that loves a glass of white and boogie till the sun comes up. call her crazy, call her insane, even delinquant or poor, she is sure to fill you with endless amounts of laughter and good times.
born and raised in the sticks, shenelle quickly developed into a little chubby faced cutie pie. little did she know she was soon to contract a severe leg disorder, more commonly know, as stumps. though her struggles were great, she had the love and support of her fellow country bumkins to encourage her to fight the illnes. she took up sports such as cross country running and wearing heels. tho the odds were stacked against her, she did her best to overcome the challenges that faced her and excell in life.
as a child, shenelle wasnt aware that, in the outside world, there were such inventions as the mobile phone, shoes, the wheel, cars.. even the internet. her mother decided to pack up and move to the promised land of mentone. here she was bedazzled by the new culture she was faced with, and soon took to the new lifestyle she would come a custom to. being the outgoing and charismatic person she is, she soon made friends with the most wonderful people in the world, all except for one.
with a passion for hand bags, shoes, and other silly material items, she is always poor. which is reminisent of where she came from. her second love is myspace, if it were not for the genius of time, she would have put a gun to her mouth in her office cubicle by now, and that we just cant have! although she still battles with her stumpy illness, she makes an effort to visit the gym as often as she can with her good pals cherie and kel. usually making an effort to be there whilst to unamed pricks cant just sit there and make fun of her. although on the odd occasian that still happens. she is somewhat of an awesome driver. whilst prancing around in her handbag (being more of an accessorie than a car) she often exercises that fact that she is always in complete control. she can write a msg, drink a jim beam and put on mascara all whilst behind the wheel. now that is special! the best bit was when she drove straight over a traffic island to prove that she could keep it in control.
as far as people go, she is on the verge of being cool. she tries very hard to be as cool as some kid named julz, which is the main thing, but will never quite be as good as him. on the odd occasion when her mobile phone is dead, or she needs her fix of wine, even wanting to watch tv that you have to pay for, you can always expect a call from her. not to mention if she is hungry.
it is fair to say that she is still quite an amazing person to put up with that julz kids shit, but also her forgiving nature is paramount. battleing in life is what she does bes, and she takes every day as it comes. party hard, fly straight and take it sleazy. thats her motto.
and one last thing. the poor girl has aids. so please, show a heart. send her flowers, chocolate, and if ur really good, a cure. its not easy, you wouldnt like it.
from your favourite person, ever. chooky
confident, energetic, adventurous, enthusiastic, fair, passionate, and pioneering character but one which is also prone to selfishness, boastfulness, intolerance, impulsiveness, and impatience.
I live in Mentone
I did Business Law at Monash
I work for a large company in the Legal Affairs department.
I have a Nissa 350Z
I'm a gym junkie (weights and cardio) (only cause Cherie n Kelly go and they are cool
I pole dance (at a studio, not a club :P)Intermediate 2
I read ALL the time (like 3 books a week) 8) GEEK
I love my lil brova and sister soo much! They are the only thing in life i know is real. My very selfish and nasty... but for them i would give my life without a seconds thought. They have own my heart ♥
Im a magnet for really kind sweet honest ppl, I think surrounding yourself with good people is one of the keys to happiness. Im happinest when im in the company of my best friends, Belinda, alana, jasmin, Cherie, Kel, Jess, illy, they're all so lovely :)