Im Chris Blankenship. Most of you know me by Chico. And most of you call me "Chico". I am 20 years old. Chico Rico Puerto Rico is a nic name came from my very close and dear friend that is more like an Ermana to me. (Just wanted to clear up the confusion)
I am a great person to be around and I have great chemistry with almost everyone. My friends always tell me that I am the one that brings the light in the room or the happiness to a sad situation. I know its true becaise I can see it in their eyes.But I am the type of guy that has got to have it all his way and I fight for my way most of the time.When I want something done I go ahead and get it over with instead of just waiting and putting it off. I never can trust myself to be 100% of the person who my friends and family think because I am my own person. And I wont change for anyone. I will always be true to myself and I will never ever care what people think of me. Most people need a reality check. Dont care what people say or think about you. And dont think just because someone is laughing around you that they are doing it because of you. The world dosent revolve around just one person, we are all in this together.ASPIRE: I reach for my goals and what I want in lifeENTITLEMENT: I mean just what the definiton says the act of entitling I am entitled to reach for my goals be what and who I wanna be and etc.I am NOT your average guy, aka players, quiters, quiet, unsucceful, not aware of self-worth, and so on. I am everything but! And thats kinda hard to find these days but I am here and I am reaching for success in what I wanna do and nothing can stop me, so watch out world, I am here get used to me being Loud, speeking my mind, etc!!I preety much am interested in what all my life has to offer, I love music, all my friends and family very much, I love going to the club and having a good time to dance and talk. And thats preety much it... I am a big pizza and salad guy, I love Mexican food and Italian. I like to have everything neat and clean and if its not neat Ill try my damndest to make it that way lol. I am not OCD or anything I just like to have a clean enviorment. And thats kinda hard to do when I live in "El Barrio" but I make the best of it.
imikimi - Customize Your World
Countdown Clock
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Countdown til I turn 21