Ok...so I decided to acctually put stuff here now. Maybe it's bordom, maybe it's the ongoing continuation of being secretive and having people wonder about me and who I am. Well, I can start off with the top characteristics about myself: I rock, I'm fun to be around, I'll make you squirt yourself, I'll make you second guess the pressence of bald men in our world and our importance to modern society, I'll make you laugh at something you had no idea had any humorous capabilities, and guess what else...I'm just fucking special!To those reading this who are already my friends, you already know all of these. To the people who don't know me (yet) you're bound to find out. How many licks does it take to reach the center of a tootsie pop? I have a better question: How many wacks with a shoe does it take a retarded person to realize they're retarded? The world may never know.Things I like to do: Remind people of how special they are, when they acctually suck. Just like the 'real' special people, they also don't really know why they're really special. I also like to play my bass guitar, and music in general. FuCKing love music! It's a big passion of mine. As well as watering rocks. I like to play video games, go to the beach, walk my Chia Pet, and teach him tricks like how to grow. I like jello wrestling, going to the bathroom in candle light, watching C-SPAN for the sex, and also pan-handle for pan handles.I also do computer graphic design and art, which is another HUGE passion of mine. I love being able to creative many different forms of digital art and video imagery and express how creative and psychotic my mind really is.So for anyone reading this for the first time, this is the best descrption I can come up with for now. Hope it gave you enough warningThank You, Drive Through
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