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About Me

Depuis Mardi 13 Mai 2008, tous mes portraits sont exposés dans la salle de petit déjeuner de l'hôtel Abcone, 10 Ashburn Gardens à Londres, métro Gloucester Road............ Since Tuesday, May the 13th, exhibition of all my portraits in the breakfast room of the Abcone Hotel, 10 Ashburn Gardens, Kensington (London), Gloucester Road Station.
Born in April 1967 in the North of France (Dunkerque), Sophie “Sam” Degunst has been living in Calais for the last 10 years.
Ever since she was a child, she was attracted to the beauty of things that seem common to other people. Born under Aries, she is a natural leader, a one-of-a-kind individual.
She challenges herself and her art constantly. She is both a painter and a writer, going from one medium to the other depending on what she needs to express, pencil and brushes being complementary.
The dynamics of her creative process comprise both the intense solitude which enables introspection and the emotion shared with friends of the same sensibility.
Sam works preferably from the photographs or videos she has made herself.
She uses the computer as a tool to understand every tiny detail of a picture structure, like an MRI reveals the structure of a body.
This is just preliminary research though.
After having questioned the picture and retrieved all the necessary information, she lets it all sink in for a while. This distance allows her to filter the flow of information and retain only the essence. And one day the image of what she wants to lay on the canvas begins to appear in her imagination. Brushes and knives instinctively translate that essence into colours and shapes.
Sam's artistic influences come from various sources, ranging from black and white photography (her father, SHEITAN-M...), to the early paintings of Kandinsky, the work of Fauve Fauteux and Andy Warhol, but with a different technical approach. She combines the atmosphere of photography with the freedom of painting, merging these two worlds into one universe.
Sam loves the contradictions in her models; she looks for the balance between the private shadows and the public spotlights.
The creations of Mika and his sister Da Wak have been a major influence in her painting career. The freedom she found in the characters and their universe were exactly what she was looking for at that moment in time. This is why she chose to share her art with you.

My Blog

Max et Maëlle

Depuis quelques jours, le ciel s'était obscurcit. Pourtant, l'été n'était pas supposé se terminer si tôt. Enfin, peu importait, Maëlle avait choisi d'être de bonne humeur. Elle avait décidé de profite...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 17:38:00 GMT

Dan & Angélique

Le soleil au zénith, le vent jouant avec ses frisottis, Danièle était installée à la terrasse d'un café, dans un recoin de la ville pour chercher l'inspiration. Depuis quelques temps, son visage trop ...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 17:25:00 GMT


Un parfum passe sous le nez d'Angélique. Vanille, chocolat ? Lolita Lempika sans aucun doute. Sa tête pivote sur son cou tandis que ses yeux se ferment. Un frisson la parcourt et ses poumons s'empliss...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 17:23:00 GMT

Une autre histoire du crapaud à plumes bleues

Il était une fois, un crapaud à plumes bleues qui rêvait. De doux sons caressaient son esprit de mille effleurements. Des tintements de clochettes illuminaient l'atmosphère de scintillements multicol...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 17:21:00 GMT

Le crapaud à plumes bleues

Il était une fois un crapaud à plumes bleues. Il s'assit sur un banc pour admirer le ballet des gens qui passaient dans la rue. Il les regardait simplement aller et venir. Une petite brise chahutait d...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 17:19:00 GMT

Torture mentale vaine et vilaine

Et maintenant ? Plus une idée, plus une envie& C'est bizarre comme impression. M'occuper de moi ? Oui, bien sûr, comme une nécessité sourde, comme un besoin naturel, mais pas par envie réelle. Comme s...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 17:08:00 GMT