The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.♥
JoÑdan would be my name, or also know as Jorddaann. I know what its like to feel like you've hit rock bottom, not being able to come back up. I know what its like to feel so upset everyday its hard to pretend to be happy anymore. I know what its like to cry yourself to sleep each night and to be your own best friend because no one is willing to be there for you. I know what it is like to hate yourself, and wish you were different. But all that has formed me into the person i am today. I can sit here and say that for the first time in years, i am happy with the choices and decisions i've decied, and i love the life i've created from this.
I'm changing in myself, be it for the better, but regardless of that fact, i'm quite frankly scared to death. Change is always a big part of something new, and generally something people try and avoid, but within changing i have learnt many things. Fuck with my heart, i will show you what its like. Don't think you can go around hurting people without getting something back in return. I believe in karma you see. What goes around, comes around. Remember that.
You see me on here, and know my name but that does not mean you know who i am, what i stand for, the things i've been through, and honestly what i'm capable of, and its such a shame. Don't try to tell me things either, my opinions are just my own thoughts, they are not facts. Also don't give me the whole "you're so gorgeous, you're not fat" I know myself better than anyone else. So don't argue with me.
There is one thing i've learnt from moving forward and that is the hardest part is not looking back. Most people prefer to live in the past, in their comfort zone, but you need to learn when to move on. Giving up on something doesn't always mean you're weak. It shows that you are strong enough to let it go.
People seem to come in and out of my life like there is no tomorrow. It funny how things change. I don't completely understand how things go from being so great one minute to so crap the next, but its part of life, and i guess part of growing up, so take it in your stride, and take each day is it comes. i've notcied many young people are willing to wish their lives away. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't rush into things.
I personally think that ones music should not be judged or ridiculed by another as it is more than often to reflect the personality of the listener, so if that's all you're going to do, don't bother. It proves nothing. I love listening to songs and trying to find a real meaning behind the words. Otherwise i don't think there is any point in the song at all. Don't play with words and my head because i believe words have no meaning at all unless they are put into actions, be it having emotions behind them or physical actions. So i couldn't careless what you say to me. I don't honestly care about how bad your life is! Everyone has trouble. Most people move on with their lives. I hate people who can't blame themselves. Yes i'd like to forget somethings, i wish others were different, but i'm not willing to live in the past, and nor should you.
Tbh i can sometimes be a hyprocrite, but at least i'll admit it.