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About Me

Martin agoya a.k.a risasi started off as poxi presha's back up way back early 90's n featured in the two of poxi's album.The crew comprised of poxi,fullstop,newtone, suzuki and me risasi.Due to some disagreements between me n poxi i later decided to quit n went solo n did a dis track and the responce was lovely n i decided to do my 1st album with andrew madebe called right track coz i was.Suzuki later decided to join me so we did the album together.Song like mombasa raha feat. nyota ndogo,niko masaa and mbona did great and the responce was so good.later we did our second album with hassan majid and babli omar of tabasam records.We also managed to make hits like miss digida, mr deejay and leta show.I am now owner of sasita entertainment in conjunction with cloud tissa where i've done my debut solo ALBUM CALLED MUMMY.It features artists like riko,collo klepto,lady bee ,cloud tissa and cannible.Cloud tissa works on videos and different talented producers doing audio production. (e.g. text, images, objects, etc.)

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Member Since: 19/08/2007
Band Website: www.sasitaentertainment.com
Band Members: ngoma

Sounds Like: miss digida

Record Label: sasita entertainment
Type of Label: Major

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Check out this video: miss digida

Check out this video: miss digida ..Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 22:13:00 GMT