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About Me

Late 30's, Passion for history/sites. Occasional prof Archaeologist, but dosn't pay the bills. Resort to own Telecoms Company installing/ modifying latest broadband and tele exchange equipment into BT buildings, nationwide. Also survey contracts for Power Line companies. Few guys working for company. Hobbies - re-enactment - hand to hand combat for same and externally as part of broader military history interest. V.experienced in Swordsmanship, mainly singlehander, some 2 handed official Royal Armouries training and specialist with spear & Poll weapons (not pike). Train others from time to time as my time & their enthusiasm permits. 13 years experience + international events. Involved with "The Vikings", "The Black Company" & more recently "The Jomsvikings". Mainly Saxon, Norman, Viking & 15th century, but kit & experience to cover late Roman to C16th, poss Celtic professional warrior (not woad & bare chested etc) & Ancient civilisation with a bit of time to rearrange/modify kit. Considering aquiring classic GPZ1100 Eddie Lawson Replica. Not had bike for last 7 yrs & not sure if enough time to ride with all shows/events etc, but tempting.

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