PANARICO profile picture



About Me

Who's that guy? Where did he come from? That is the general reaction to singer/songwriter Panarico.

A touch of curiosity, mystery and surprise, Panarico's marriage of word and melody reflects diverse musical influences ranging from R&B to classical to Latin. His story isn't found in the "I Always Wanted to Be a Singer" chapter in the Book of Pre-Destination. Instead, Panarico's creative evolution is one of natural progression; a journey just under the radar of limelight glitz and center stage exposure.

Panarico, nicknamed after his Panamanian and Puerto Rican heritage, was born in New York City. His formative years were spent growing up in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan before moving to San Diego, CA. Panarico began performing professionally as a teen, after the bandleader of a popular salsa band heard him singing during a garage band gig. The bandleader hired Panarico to sing on a series of recording sessions. During that period, Panarico also performed in a couple of other garage groups and marching bands before he went to college to earn a Bachelors degree in Art. It was during his time at the university that Panarico rose to the next artistic level.

Inspired by the talented circles of artists, musicians, and thinkers with whom he associated, Panarico expanded his creative interests by taking his study of music more seriously. A prolific writer of poetry, his love of prose transitioned into an interest in songwriting. Wanting to hone his performance skills, Panarico auditioned for various music projects, performing in local productions of "Grease", "West Side Story", and "Little Shop of Horrors". Panarico also performed the San Diego club circuit with several of the city's most popular cover acts. After lending his vocals to commercial jingles, special events, and demo tapes for acts shopping for record deals, Panarico soon became a sought after session vocalist.

A popular Los Angeles/Atlanta based producer took Panarico under his wing and let him perform ghost and background demo vocals on many of his projects. Panarico soon moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the entertainment business.

While developing his creative talent working on artists' mixtapes, demo and remix projects, performing in studio sessions, and touring with indie bands, Panarico also became involved in the business side of the industry. He produced and hosted several music genre programs for Internet radio station Hijackradio. "Tequila Tuesdays" was Hijackradio's top rated program and one of the first Latin music web casts of its kind. He also served as Marketing Director for Billboard Magazine's radio publication Airplay Monitor. After earning his Master's degree in Business Administration, he started a successful consulting business; one highlight being involved in the preparation of the 2004 Official Outkast Grammy® After Party. With all his achievements, Panarico decided to focus his energy on his music.

Panarico's creative muse is hard at work, currently writing and recording new material for the ambitious release of an R&B/Pop album as well as a Spanish language project.

"I cant imagine my life without music and art. They have always been the only true outlets to openly express my views and feelings. They have saved my life...I am not a star. I am simply a songwriter whose songs tell stories the way I see things." - PANARICO

My Interests


Member Since: 7/27/2005
Band Website: (under construction)
Band Members: Panarico
Type of Label: Indie