hey everyone im naoimh, trying to get by in the world of music, love playing it, making it and listening to it. i started playing guitar, oh a long time ago, when my dad taught me my first 3 chords. Been writing my own material for years, based on anything and everything that is, was, and might happen to me. im influenced by everything i hear and see, and love to listen to lots of different sounds, picking what i like from each new thing i hear ever hoping to come through with my own sound. my granda Fergie was in a huge Irish band through the 1930-80s and i like to think im keeping the musical o hagan thing going. Coming from Northern Ireland gives you and interesting view of what life was, is and can be and being of the new generation im lucky to be living in a positively, developing environment, like the troubles we all have are own and coming through the other end is extremely exciting. ive been recording in Manchesters, Moolah Rouge Studios who work with The Happy Mondays, Big Finn, Stephen Fretwell, The Verve, and many other great artists, im incredible lucky!
I hope you enjoy. Always remember, return the smile.
Hope to see you in the future, naoimh
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