Debras Party began as a band put together for one gig during a youth exchange in Berlin in 1997. The combination of Deborah Martins vocals and Clunks guitar give the band it's own distinct feel. As the years progressed Brian and Deborah played together a few times and in 1999 entered a recording studio for a 3 hour session coming out with 3 songs. These songs were sent off on tape to John O'Neill at the Nerve Centre in Derry where he offered them a chance to record a song and make a video for it, all as part of the Energy Fields project. Another part of this was a few gigs at which all the bands on the CD would play. Recruiting in Karl and Sean, Debras Party became a full fledged band, played the gigs and that was it for about a year. After a year the band played one final gig, writing new material for it in the 2 weeks before. The band have not played together since 2002 but what record of it remains will be on display here, enjoy...