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From early age always to stado in the world of the music. To the 14 already tape-worm his your first plates, and his(her,your) first vinilos. Immediately after it(he,she) is knows to (I.logic a.ka Lucian),etc ... that introduces it in the world of the holidays(parties), puncturing en:Torrecera with (DJ CHEMA, I.LOGIC..), The Raven (Egypt).. And enpìeza aconocer people ... pinxando in almost the whole probincia of Cadiz... Arches (Freedom), Jerez .. etc..He begins aproducir remixes, own proper topics... To That the people start listening and thinking in web pages... They are started listening in fairs, Discotheques, etc.etc.. Resident prickle in a discotheque of Sherry called (Rincon Cubano) in Barriladas, Holidays(Parties)... and tambiem in discotheques, pub.. of sherry, puncturing with all the dj's of the zone of sherry.Called of Jaen, Cordova puncturing with people as (MR.FLY), (XIM AND BASS), (ALDO FERRARI), (J.PSYCHOBEAT), (MARIBEL), etc.. etc .. etc.....Nowadays it(he,she) devotes itself in plenary session to continue promoting his your knowledge of musical production, in order his(her,your) 1 extracts º vinyl in a future................ Not very distant.It She receives BROX-BIT's alias to now of puncturing Break Beat, and David Fernandez to prays of puncturing Electro House, Tribal House, Etc, etc..." I DO NOT KNOW THAT ARYAN WITHOUT THE MUSIC ".....
glitter-graphics.comDesde temprana edad siempre a stado en el mundillo de la musica. A los 14 ya tenia sus primeros platos,y sus primeros vinilos.A raiz de hay conoce a (I.logic a.ka Lucian),etc... que lo introduce en el mundo de las fiestas,pinchando en:Torrecera con (DJ CHEMA,I.LOGIC,..),El Cuervo(Egipto),..Y enpìeza aconocer gente...pinxando en casi toda la probincia de Cadiz...Arcos(Freedom),Jerez de la frontera..etc..Empieza aproducir remixes,temas propios,...Que la gente empieza a escuchar y a opinar en paginas web,...Se empiezan a escuchar en ferias,Discotecas,etc,.etc.. Pincha residente en una discoteca de Jerez llamada (Rincon Cubano) en Barriladas,Fiestas,...y tambiem en discotecas,pub,.. de jerez,pinchando con todos los dj..s de la zona de jerez.Llamado de Jaen,Cordoba pinchando con gente como (MR.FLY),(XIM AND BASS),(ALDO FERRARI),(J.PSYCHOBEAT),(MARIBEL),etc,..etc..etc.....Actualm ente se dedica en pleno a seguir potenciando sus conocimientos de producción musical,con el fin de sacar su 1º vinilo en un futuro,................ No muy lejano.Recibe el alias de BROX-BIT a la ora de pinchar Break Beat, y David Fernandez a la ora de pinchar Electro House,Tribal House,Etc,etc,..."NO SE QUE ARIA SIN LA MUSICA"..... ..