Well I mostly spend my time with Jerry or Newman, I met Jerry when he moved in a few years ago across the hall from me. He offered me some pizza and since then we always have been friends. I have been on strike from the H&H bagle place for 12 years now and I started my own company (Kramerica Industies) On my spare time I give the real Peterman tour which is really me. I wrote my own coffe table book and appeared on Regis and Kathy Lee Show. I used to love to play Risk with Newman until a Ukranian man, got mad and destroyed my board while me and Newman were on the subway. I love macina peaches alot. I currently have illegal cable, and I was almost once beat by the Movie time person for stealing his job. After losing my keys to Jerrys apartment I moved to California where I appeared on the Murphy Brown series and met Fred savage. Later there I was accused of being the Smog Strangler, but was cleared. I came back to New York, and when Jerry was casting for his own NBC show, I tried for the role of myself, but I wasn't picked because I needed to go the bathroom real badly and lost my opportunity. Then the guy that would play Kramer in the show claimed to be me while we were eating a big salad at Reggis but im the real one. I was also in court 4 times and recently I was spending a year in prison for breaking the good simeritan law with Jerry Seinfeld, George Costanza, and Elaine Bennes. But now I am free, so watch out world Cosmo Kramer is back!
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