I'd like to meet:
Just Because..
...Another Survey...
Story behind your myspace song Don't have one yet
What month were you born in June
Where do you live In The Faroe Islands
...Describe Your...
Wallet Not so much to say:)
Dream car BMW
Toothbrush Colgate - White and Green
Jewellery worn daily My watch
Pillow Case Orange with red flowers
Eyes Dark blue
Room A mess;)
Love life Lovely:)
Cologne/Perfume Naomi Campell
Cd in stereo Eivør Pálsdóttir - Mannabarn
Piercings Tragus
Wearing Jogging - black
Wanting ??
What does your headline mean ??
Last thing you ate A banana
Something you are afraid of Dark
Do you like candles Yes
Do you like the taste of blood Nope
Do you believe in love Yes
Do you believe in soul mates Yes
Do you like seafood Jep - not everything
Do you remember your dreams Jep sometimes
Do you consider yourself a study freak No, not realy
What's your favorite thing to do in the place where you live Relax
Do you like tattoos Yes
Do you burn easily in the sun Yes
Do you speak another language other than English Ja
What's something you wish you could understand better French ;)
Are you shy around a crush Jep
What book would you recommend to anyone Don't read that much:)
Last show you watched an entire episode of Dirt
Last movie you watched at home Something New
Got any plans for the weekend No not realy
Who do you miss My boyfriend:)
Last incoming call on your cell phone My Boyfriend:)
What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer Don't remember:)
What's your favorite restaurant Toscana
Last time you swam in a pool about 2 months ago:)
What was the last thing you bought Earrings
A secret about you You wish:)
Ever made a prank phone call Thihi... yeah:)
Where did Waldo go Home?
Do you really know all the words to your national anthem ??
What did your last text message say Nei betri næstu fer
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant No
Have you ever written poetry Yes - no succes:)
How many people have you kissed Some:)
Have you ever won a trophy Yeah:)
Are you a good cook It depends on what I cook:)
Do you know how to pump your own gas yes
Think fast, who do you hate right now No one at the moment:)
Who was the last person you visited in the hospital Maibritt
What do you think about most ??
Take this survey On myspace I'd like to meet some new friends:) .. --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> Copied from MySpace.com -->
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