ELI profile picture


What if life had a soundtrack?

About Me

I used to be a visionary
I used to kiss the sky
Once I even touched the glory
with the palm of my hands

Will you save me from a shipwreck?
My boat is drifting now off course
I will soon sink in these waters
If I have nothing to get hold of

Don’t let the sea swallow my soul
Give him the corpses of the dead
My wounds smart with ocean salt
I’m not that moribund yet

I used to be a dreamer
I used to caress the sky
Once I even found a reason
Now everything is left behind


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Member Since: 8/18/2007
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Un, dos, tres... provant

Aquesta és la història dun noi que shavia enamorat duna estrella: Sestava a la vora de la mar, allargava les mans, i adorava lestrella; hi somiava i li adreçava els seus pensaments. Però sabia,...
Posted by ELI on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 02:25:00 PST

Vespre de tardor

.. NO LLENCIS LES CARTES D'AMOR Elles no t'abandonaran.Passarà el temps, s'esborrarà el desig-aquesta fletxa d'ombra-i els rostres sensuals, intel"ligents, bellíssims,s'ocultaran en un mirall...
Posted by ELI on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 04:04:00 PST