Fokal Point Promotionz profile picture

Fokal Point Promotionz

About Me

Fokal Point Promotionz is a sub company of Fokal Point Promotionz. This site was designed to promoted the CD's, Merchandise, and shows involving our Artists. We are not a label, simply a company built to assist in putting North West artists on the map. We offer various types of promotion, including both in the street, and on the internet. All artists involved receive discounts on the graphic design projects we offer, including posters, flyers, cd covers, custom clothing, internet adds, and more. If you are an artist in the northwest looking for promotion, or are interested in assisting us in our campaign, feel free to contact us. Already involved include local Portland Horrorcore genius Tragedy. Grit Face Entertainment artist Yung Fa-Dell, better known as FD. Portland Independents Grinch, BrodKastin' Live, and more to come. Check Em' all out on their own Myspace pages all on my top friends. Check in with us periodically, we'll keep you you up to date on our artists and whats next for them. Thanks for your support. Lets show the world our talent.

My Interests


Member Since: 18/08/2007
Band Members: -Auzriel-
-Brodkastin' Live-
-Macc Matt-
-Yung Fa-Dell-
Tragedy- Lost In The DarknessLost In The Darkness

Add to My Profile | More VideosTragedy- On My Way To The GraveOn My Way To The Grave

Add to My Profile | More VideosYung Fa-Dell- Mr. Bush
Sounds Like: everything you wanna here
Record Label: Unsigned