C - r o profile picture

C - r o

Horn if you're honky.

About Me

(advertisement) Models, actors, or any type of talent in the LA area (primarily female unless I know you personally, I don't want to shoot creepy stalker dudes thankyouverymuch). . . . I am a photographer occasionally looking for a muse. The rest of the time, I am looking to make money.

Here are some photos that I've shot...
Yes, this is a second profile. The other one was full of people that I don't actually know, so this one will be sort of a personal one for my friends and other hot people .Ok, like, seriously. If I don't know you, and you want to add me to your brothel of hot myspace whores, then add myspace.com/cherieroberts . I'm not kidding. I hate checking my inbox, seeing a friend request, checking out the user's profile, and seeing 1027 hot chicks on their list. I know you're not getting it on with all of these chicks. It doesn't make you seem cooler. So if you don't know me, have no intentions of knowing me, or think that I wouldn't want to know you, then please. Add the other Cherie. She's a lot nicer, and she gives a fuck (not really). You can visit her here:
*edit* BTW, just received an e-mail bitching me out. Just to clarify, I am not one of these so-called 'hot-lists', because unlike these people, I ACTUALLY AM GOING TO FUCK EVERYONE ON MY LIST. So go to hell.
"I am a TOTAL ASSHOLE. I am often told that people don't 'get' me, and you know what I have to say to that?
'Your mom is fat.' Not really. But wouldn't I seem really tough if I had I said that? Let's just pretend I had."
Now, I know what you're asking yourself right now. "Why was that statement in quotes? Did she say that, or is she quoting someone else?" (That last quote was you, BTW. Don't want to lose you just yet.)
I have said that. Yes, I know. Quite impressive. And I have a good reason for quoting myself. It's because I've actually said the previous statement out loud... And not just to my cat in my living room. It was said on the record. "On the record" translates to "while drunk at a cheap whore house in Thailand to a couple of pre-op ladyboys".
Yeah, I have sex with ladyboys. So?! They're just like regular boys except they're prettier than I am and are hung better than I am too. Penis envy, it's a dangerous thing. No, it's not a real penis. It's called a clitoris.
What if I had a clit that was the size of a small man-thumb, or the equivalent of a small baby's hand (3 months old?) Do you think that I would enjoy sex THAT much more? Or would it be too distracting...? These are the things that keep me up at night. Not the thumb-clit. The thought of the thumb-clit. It plagues me.
I'm thinking of writing a book on the thumb-clit. I'm not exactly sure how I would go about doing this, since I have no real experience with thumb-clits other than the constant thoughts and dreams that I have about them. Maybe that idea will have to get shelved until I can find some thumb-clits to research. Wow. My official title will be "Thumb-clit expert." I know, you're jealous and you don't get it.
Your mom is fat. (Not really...)

Yo Weiner, you better get ready, 'cause at three o' clock today, I'm gonna RAPE you!

On paper, I am a genius; An evil, maniacal do-gooder looking to cure the Earth of all of its worldy troubles and woes. Unfortunately for you and me, I don't live on the dead flesh of murdered trees.
In actuality, I know that I would've been the person to find a cure for AIDS, cancer, psoriasis, pink eye and a slew of other life-threatening and/or annoying diseases, if only my social life and the porn industry hadn't gotten in the way.
Yes, there was a point when I saw the figurative fork in the road. Save the world, to the left... late-night drug binges, massive sex orgies, exploitation of rain-forest animals and other feral creatures, random sex in rest-stop bathrooms with truckers and tourists alike, a massive comedown followed by the joining of a doomsday cult where I'd become a devout believer of aliens and talking-ferrets... to the right, around the corner, through the alley littered with used syringes, and into the first beaded doorway to the left.
So you can blame me for the sad state of affairs of the world, don't blame the politicians. They mean well. They really do.
Also, it may help to know that I like to lie. And I don't mean on my back, although I do sometimes like to do that also. Anything I say can't and won't be held against me according to the laws of Cherie.

My Interests

eating, sleeping, stalking, sulking, crying, being angry, stalking, watching 'Sex and The City', crank-calling, stalking, impersonating police officers, killing ants and other small insects by removing each of their limbs one at a time, blowing up ex-boyfriends with pipe bombs, etc. You know, all the typical girl stuff

I'd like to meet:

Someone dark, soft-spoken and tragic. Someone with a subtlety that is almost uncomfortable, but by the same token, calming and strange. Someone who will perpetually ignore me, but will constantly feign that he wants my attention. Someone who will never think of me and always of anyone but me. Someone whose gaze will take me somewhere far away from the mediocrity of my life, and will leave me alone and pining for everything, anything, and nothing all at once. Someone who will hold me in his arms, tell me that everything will be ok, and will know how shallow and empty the promise is that he makes. Someone who will take my breath away, and never return it.

Death, ours is a bittersweet love story. Someday, my love... Someday.

Other than that, no one, especially people that don't like me.

And for the record, if you don't like me, it is because you are stupid. Don't take offense to that statement if it applies to you, I meant it in a flattering way.

Confused? It's probably because you are stupid . . . but not in a bad way!

Don't worry; I've made a simple mathematic equation for you to read to make it easier for you to understand what I mean.

Below is my self-formulated equation equivalent of what I mean when I say that the people that don't like me are stupid but that I mean it in a good way:

stupid = x
good = y
x = y - y + x

See how I mean in it a positive way . . . ?

So please don't get angry if you are stupid. . . . It is a good thing and you should be proud! As a matter of fact, I even went ahead and made a banner for you to post on your page to wear as a badge of honor!

Wear it like a flag, loud and proud!

Copy and paste the code from the box below into your page


You look like a perfect fit
For a girl in need of a tourniquet

But can you . . . save me?
Come on and . . . save me
If you could... save me
From the ranks of the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone

'Cause I can tell
You know what it's like
The long farewell
Of the hunger strike

But can you . . . save me?
Come on and . . . save me
If you could . . . save me
From the ranks of the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone

You struck me down like radium
Like Peter Pan or Superman

You will come to save me
C'mon and . . . save me
If you could . . . save me
From the ranks of the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone
'Cept the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone
But the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone

C'mon and save me
Why don't you . . . save me?
If you could . . . save me
From the ranks of the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone

Except the freaks
Who suspect they could never love anyone
Except the freaks who could never love anyone


Eh... too lazy. I just like movies with fucked up endings. Or else, movies that pseudo-indie film people enjoy. 'Cause I'm fake like that. Hey, I live in Hollywood, give me a break.


Sex And The City, Six Feet Under, Carnivale, Heroes, John From Cincinnati, Flight of The Conchords, The Sopranos, The New Detectives, I Love The 80's, Late Night With Conan O'Brien, LOST, Harvey Birdman, MXC, Ace Of Cakes, Food Network TV minus Rachael Ray, Entourage (though I am ashamed to admit it... thankfully, it's not for the ingeniously unpredictable plot, but more for the "who's going to be the cameo this week?" or for shameless mentions of local clubs or restaurants, happenings, etc so that I can groan and complain, "ugh, they're at Urth Caffe again."), Flavor of Love- I Love NY - all shows grossly portrayed as ghetto and atrocious (guilty pleasures), and the biggest guilty pleasure, American Idol


I'm illiterate. Sorry. Although, I did enjoy 'Green Eggs and Ham' and 'The Catcher In The Rye'. Great pictures.


Martha Dumptruck... all the way.

My Blog

Happy days are here again...

Was 'Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind' a true story? I thought it might have been too good to be true, but it looks like I might have been wrong! http://60minutes.yahoo.com/segment/21/memory_drug...
Posted by C - r o on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 12:21:00 PST

"I love eating pussy..."

I'm not very big on writing about sex. Sex is an amazing thing, don't get me wrong. I'd much rather be doing it than writing about it, though. Anyway, after receiving the bitter backlash fro...
Posted by C - r o on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 01:25:00 PST

I love giving blow jobs...

Ladies... we really need to have a talk. A heart-to-heart, if you will. I'm sure that AJ has covered this subject before, but I just want to reiterate the message just in case you didn't get the memo....
Posted by C - r o on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 04:00:00 PST

Killing In The Name Of&

I am a fucking KILLER. That's right, you read that correctly. I take lives. Worse than that, I believe that the act I just committed was genocide.    So I just took about 1,2...
Posted by C - r o on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 05:34:00 PST

Home on a Saturday night with nothing to do.

Ok, so I am a liar. It's Monday. But it doesn't seem as pathetic if I had said, "Home on a Monday night with nothing to do." Most people are home on Monday nights with nothing to do. It's st...
Posted by C - r o on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 12:14:00 PST

Remember back in the day, when times were good?

You know, back when Friendster was all the rage and you could meet cool non-creepy people on a social networking site? Those days are gone, my friend. I know, it's really depressing. I think I have t...
Posted by C - r o on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 02:56:00 PST

Who do you look like?

Just for fun, go to this site and see what celebrity you resemble! http://www.myheritage.com/FP/Company/tryFaceRecognition.php? s=1&u=g0..=ENupload your photo and then post the first person they gi...
Posted by C - r o on Sat, 19 Nov 2005 04:06:00 PST

I have dreamt of this moment . . .

I honestly have. Does that make me psycho?I almost cried. He was totally nice, and understanding, and I felt bad to "make" him. I couldn't pass up a chance to meet Moz. I told him that I loved him, li...
Posted by C - r o on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Got a devil's haircut in my mind . . .

The modern mohawkThis is, BY FAR, the hottest haircut for a guy EVER. Ok, seriously. I have a weird fetish for guys with this hair. . . . I dunno why. I literally get wet thinking about it. So . ...
Posted by C - r o on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I'm outing us... goddammit.

Sorry Hannah. . . . I was reading the comment on my profile about how you're "all up on [my] jock", and I've decided that I can't hide our secret any longer. Yes. ME AND HANNAH ARE GETTING MARRIED. Th...
Posted by C - r o on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST