About Me
SHALOM brothers and sisters, "Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from YAHWEH The Father, and from his son Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) in truth and love" - II John 1:3.
BAQASH meaning "to search out, to strive for, to seek for.
YAH from the true name of the Heavenly Father "YAHWEH" which means " I am who am ". In Exodus 3:14-15, MOSES asked, " When I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your Fathers has sent me to you', if they ask me, "What is his name?" what am I to tell them? GOD replied, " I AM WHO AM "...." verse 15: THIS IS MY NAME FOREVER; THIS IS MY TITLE FOR ALL GENERATIONS.
BE'EMET meaning "In Truth", put it all together and you get, " To seek for YAH in truth " or as I like to say in short, " Seeker of YAH's truth ". I recieve this name in spirit two years ago when I came into knowledge of who I am thru the wizdom of YAH..HALLEUYAH!. I became so hungry wanting to know more about everything concerning my family, not just my immediate family but my "Black family" the so-called African American and the children of the American Slave Trade who were sold off to the four corners of the earth in captivity. It was at my Aunt's funeral two years ago in North Carolina that my hunger pains for knowlegde of true self started, as I stared at what seemed to be a thousand miles of Cotton Fields, as far as the eye can see. Right then and there I wanted answers because I was tired of our history beginning and ending with "Picking Cotton" . I know our history goes far beyond the Cotton Fields, beyond slavery, beyond Nigger, Coon, Spear Chucker, Tar Baby, Jungle Bunny and Cotton Picker.
My search started and lead me to the realization that I am, along with the children of the American Slave Trade, THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL, THE REMNANT OF JACOB, THE ELECT. " Ye are the children of the Prophets, and of the Covenant which GOD made with our Fathers, saying unto Abraham, "AND IN THY SEED SHALL ALL THE KINDREDS OF THE EARTH BE BLESSED".- Acts 3:25-26. I don't belong to a Israelite church or congregation yet, but I'm always looking to build with Brothers and Sisters "in truth" first before most and in Peace and Love. Let us not judge one another for what one may think he or she knows more of or less than, but let us thru the grace of YAHWEH and in his wizdom and in his son our beloved Messiah Yeshua, bear with one another in humbleness not in pride so that we can gain and increase our knowledge and understanding of YAHWEH's word together. Proverbs 16:19 " Better to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud ". I leave you with the words I've greeted you with, " Grace be with you, Mercy, and Peace, from the GOD THE FATHER, AND FROM YESHUA MESSIAH, THE SON OF THE FATHER, in TRUTH and LOVE...SHALOM.