ROOTBEER FLOAT profile picture


About Me

A FROSTED MUG, A SCOOP OF VANILLA ICE CREAM , AND A BOTTLE OF ROOTBEER...WHAT ELSE CAN I SAY....ENJOY.. The root beer float is thought to have been invented by Frank J. Wisner in August of 1893. He was inspired to "float" a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of his Myers Avenue Red root beer from his late night glimpse of the snow on top of the blackened Cow Mountain (location of his gold claims) illuminated by the full moon overhead. It was an instant hit with the children of Cripple Creek who soon shortened the convoluted name Mr. Wisner came up with to just a "Black Cow". Mr. Wisner often remarked that if he had a nickel for every time someone ordered a Black Cow, he would have been a rich man.

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What is root beer?  Sassafras plant photo right courtesy University of Tennessee Root Beer is a sweetened, carbonated beverage originally made using the root of a sassafras plant (or the bark of...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 16:14:00 GMT