Single ; live alone ; never married, never attached and never had a relationship (yet) ; own a 1955 Deco style masonry home in northwest St. Petersburg, Florida, USA ;Education -A.A., SPJC, in Arts and Sciences ;B.A., Eckerd College, in Business Administration and Management ;M.A., University of South Florida, in Library and Information Science ;Post-master's study, University of South Florida, in Library and Information Science ;Curriculum Vitae (CV) -Consultant ; Researcher ; Archivist ; Investor ; Former marketing company Partner/Creative Director/Graphics Design Director ; Director, accounting/finance/taxation/investments ; Accountant ; Corporate and Partnership Controller ; Tax Accountant ; Accountant for Corporations Not For Profit (Fund and Governmental Accounting); College Assistant Registrar ; Executive Secretary to corporation senior officers ; Administrative Assistant to corporation president ;Likes -
Lots of things ; opportunity to learn more about more things ; reading ; wellness ; laughing ; humor ; finding nice things to do for people ; & more [see rest of profile!] ;Dislikes -
Car automatic transmissions -- has to have 5 or 6 speed manual transmission with a clutch! ; neighbors who own flying monkeys ; dishonest people ; cheaters ; chronic liars ; ironing (that's why dry cleaners were invented) ;Other info -
Non-smoker (never have, never will) ; rarely drinks ETOH, but will now and then ; loves ginger ale ; loves iced tea ("the house wine of the South") ;