We love to EmCee & DJ we are the best at it too. We also like Models... Not the women models but stuff you can make out of your mums used fairy liquid bottles, We are working on a giant spaceship at the moment and we will launch it on our next video. WE LOVE BISCUITS... ANY BISCUITS... ALL BISCUITS... BISCUITS BISCUITS BISCUITS
Nobody! We have already met our hero.TIM WESTWOOD.People keep telling us to give up the biscuits or we will end up like the man on this video. I cant see us getting this bad & we will not give up the biscuits.
What do you think we like? Hardcore Gangsta HipHop/Rap...Vanilla Ice. I used to like Graham B he was a Dance DJ in the 90's (huge in Canada)but now he wants to make a comeback and steal the limelight from us. So Graham B.. This vid is for you
Erm hard one... oh that film Vanilla Ice was in, i forget what its called now but it is the best. This will be the film to watch... Coming soon to a cinema near you.
Pimp my ride with our hero TIM WESTWOOD. We love the X factor, Biscuit Boys will win it next year.
We cant really read. i like looking at pictures so anything with pictures will do.