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Hometown: Boston, Mass
Resides: Midwest Michigan
Born: September 22nd
Height: 6'1'
Weight: 185lbs
Debut: 2003
Trainer: Dan “The Beast†Severn
Theme Music: “Noah Lott†custom theme music
Starting in the mountains of Tennessee and the fields of Kentucky, to the city of Grand Rapids Michigan where he grew up and went to school. Graduating from a high class school in Boston Mass and now back to the area where he knows the best GR. Interesting enough from his high class school he finished with a 4.0 and was one of the top students in his class. He even started college his sophomore year in high school. He is also one of the last students remaining from Dan Severn first classes.
Being the most notable Mr. Lott has gained knowledge and acceptance through the American Wrestling Association as of late. He has been involved with numerous large events with the AWA promotion. On top of that Noah has held all but one of Dan Severn’s Price of Glory wrestling promotion championships.
As of late Noah has been involved with and has been a competitor for numerous major championships in professional wrestling. Noah has been entrusted by various promotions to carry their prominent championships including the AWA Shooting Star Championship, World-1 Great Lakes Tag Team Championships, and Price of Glory’s Tag Team Championships.
Noah has had the pleasure of receiving training and lessons from numerous wrestling superstar talents. His main trainer and mentor along the way has always been former WWE superstar and former NWA and UFC Heavyweight Champion of the world Dan “The Beast†Severn. Noah still receives wrestling and life lessons from Dan.
While wrestling throughout the U.S. and Canada Noah has grabbed and fought for respect because of his size. Many greats including Honky Tonk Man, Cuban Assassin, Steve Corino, CW Anderson, Gypsy Joe, Emile Dupree, and Jimmy Snuka have influenced and have shown Noah many lessons for professional wrestling. Noah believes history will be kind to him, for he intends to write it along his journey.
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