painting, people, and painting people. oh, and my sweet ride, tangerine Theres a pic of her in her natural habitat (hwy 101).
bonnie of the clyde variety. but she's dead. i'd like to meet smart people that i can sit around and articulate with about how much smarter than every body else we is. people who can deal with condensed ideas so that i dont have to explain too much.
y'know, sappy stuff. i dig spoon. andrew bird's new stuff. jug-bandy music. also like 80's classics, . also like the strokes, white stripes, sufjan stevens. neutral milk hotel will always reign supreme. best reccomendation ever? possibly. starlight mints. the faint. recently kinda discovered islands. Brilliant. radiohead of course. getting to the point that we'd all love to get over it but the fact is that they're geniuses and always will be. i could go on, but you get it. regina spektor, rogue wave. ratatat. sawer family. animal collective. luna. magnetic fields.
you talkin to me? you talkin to ME? I love the smell of napalm in the morning. are we the dining dead? i brought you flours. quotes. figure it out. luvz eternal sunshine, the royal tenenbaums, edward scissorhands, the life aquatic, labrynth, and enjoy the occasional cheezball zombie flic. Shop Girl, top notch. winter passing! great. oh, and stranger than fiction. spectacular! no country for old men rocked my world.recently found some amazing stop motion animation. this is one by Suzie Templeton. a little disturbing. but amazing production:
i wish i could bring myself to throw it out the window. OPB is okay
Charles Bukowsky. Lovely and dark, as every artist may aspire to relate to. The Great Railway Bazaar by paul thoureax(sp?). A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. and of course, Catcher in the Rye. Big Sur. The Bell Jar. and tons of others that are on my list but i cant seem to get to. i read art mags mostly. Art Forum, Art News. Modern Painters. i probably shouldn't. they tend to just piss me off. i like the dictionary too. Sampling some Kafka. collecting the stuff i know i should already have. pretty sure tolstoy's next. recommendations?
yeah, i like sandwiches. get it? hero Sandwich. forget it tough question but perhaps i'll go with wes anderson? whoever did the cinematography for eternal sunshine of a spottless mind. tina fey. carol burnett maybe? that could just be because of the documentary i just saw on OPB but that chicks got chops. O, and this guy: