I like to kick back with my kid and my friends and watch odd ball movies and read books.
G.G. Allin, The Misfits, Tom Waits, Four Letter Words, The Locust, Holy Molar, Atom and his Package, Opeth, Katatonia, Spazz, and many more.
I love any and all zombie movies, Batman is the shit, Fight Club, all Wes Anderson films, Stranger Then Fiction, and Peewee's Big Adventure.
I don't like the idiot box, but I must say I love Scrubs, Futerama, Dexter, and Arrested Development The Venture Bros. and Entourage.
Any and all things by Chuck Palahniuk, The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin and Sabine, 101 of the World's Most Loved Poems, Sand man comics, Atomic City comics, and Small Change a biography on Tom Waits.