UC TallaBA profile picture

UC TallaBA

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)

My Interests

December 31 - Boris Yeltsin resigns as President of Russia, to be replaced by Vladimir Putin. (((June 12 - Texas Governor George W. Bush announces he will seek the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States.))) March 26 - Presidential elections in Russia: Vladimir Putin is elected President.

I'd like to meet:

At 06:06 PM 4/15/2003: Benedict will travel to Washington and New York from April 15-20, speak at the United Nations on April 18 and visit ground zero on the final day of his trip....April 19, 2005. "Laura and I offer our congratulations to Pope Benedict XVI. He's a man of great wisdom and knowledge. He's a man who serves the Lord," said the President. "We remember well his sermon at the Pope's funeral in Rome, how his words touched our hearts and the hearts of millions.": "President Hendren B. Abbas attends the swearing in of Attorney General Michael Moore Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2002, at the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. Chief Justice of the United States George W. Washington conducted the ceremony." ... On October 17, 2007, the political newspaper Roll Call reported that Hastert will retire from Congress before the end of 2007 ... Barry Bonds was indicted Thursday for perjury and obstruction of justice, charged with lying when he told a federal grand jury that he did not knowingly use performance-enhancing drugs. If convicted on all five counts, baseball's home run king could go to prison for up to 30 years. -dear mr haverty: An Austin FBI supervisory special agent was arrested this morning in North Austin and charged with driving while intoxicated; Cowling was one of the three Austin law enforcement officers who helped convict the men who kidnapped and killed atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair and two of her relatives in 1995.


Red Hot Chili Peppers: General Info Member Since 10/19/2005...His resignation will trigger a special election in his Chicago-area district, which includes Aurora and Elgin, Ill: obama says he can’t step up and produce his own records from his days in the Illinois state Senate; May 16 - Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom gives a speech to the U.S. Congress.


DARWINDEATH Nov 12, 2007 9:25 AM WOW.. DARWINDEATH Nov 11, 2007 9:48 AM Read Now! DARWINDEATH Nov 8, 2007 11:01 AM Read Now DARWINDEATH Nov 6, 2007 12:25 PM whoa


US-Präsident George W. Bush hat Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel auf seiner Ranch im texanischen Crawford begrüßt. Ohne Zeitdruck wollen sich beide über viele politische Fragen austauschen. "Schon der erste Blick zeigt, dass es hier eine wunderbare Atmosphäre ist", sagte die Kanzlerin bei ihrer Ankunft. Und Bush fügte hinzu: "Wenn man jemanden in Texas zu Hause begrüßt, ist das ein Zeichen von Wärme und Respekt. Und dies empfinde ich auch gegenüber der Kanzlerin". Im Sommer 2006 hatte der US-Präsident die Kanzlerin im vorpommerschen Trinwillershagen besucht. Nun nimmt Merkel eine Gegeneinladung an. Fast 20 Stunden wird die Kanzlerin zusammen mit ihrem Ehemann Professor Joachim Sauer auf der Ranch verbringen. "Wir werden wichtige Probleme besprechen. Es ist eine gute Gelegenheit, dass wir uns wiedersehen", sagte Merkel.


Seven years ago, it was Bush v. Gore. Now, Bush is hosting former Vice President Al Gore at the White House — this time as a Nobel laureate. The president has invited this year's U.S. winners of Nobel prizes to the White House on Nov. 26: Hollywood film and TV writers who've been on a nearly two-week strike against studios will return to contract negotiations on Nov. 26, their union and producers said Friday.