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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i am who i am, just me....that is all i know how to be. i don't try to live up to anyone's expectations & i am very laid back. i don't do drama although i find others very funny at times. i can't help it. i have piercings that i love. i sing metal/opera. i have lupus, which can be crippling at times, but that's ok, we all have hardships & things could be worse. and i am finishing my biotech degree studying to become a toxicologist, hopefully to be voted state Medical Examiner in the future. i finished my pharmacy school finally. i live with my beautiful black cat, pretty & work is my life. i love my job at Romancing the Stone. i don't like judgemental people. and if you can't be real, don't bother with me.....just being honest.....i won't waste my time with you. other than that i get along with everyone. i just have a zero "bullshit" tolerance & don't like wasting my time. i love life!!!!!
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My Result for What’s your humanity quotient? quiz is Your humanity quotient is high.

Option 1: Your humanity quotient is high. You are a giver. You will do all that you can to help others. Its giving that is in your blood. There are very few like you in this world so be proud of yourself. But once in a while, you need to think about yourself.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Everyone - each unique individuals around & everywhere. but really 3 people: micheal moore & richard branson & sarah silverman. ..
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My Blog


after all is said and donedo you knowif you have won?can you seewhat could possibly beif you don’t know what has begun?if someone told you to go awayhow would you handle itwould you go astray?is...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 16:54:00 GMT


some of the things that drive me insaneothers might find completely mundanein my heart and in my headnobody hears what is saidit's not the voices that make me madit's others words that make me sad som...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 10:43:00 GMT

my awakening

this is just a note : sometimes you have feelings that you don't quite understand.  i have these feelings.  i feel something that stirs my heart.  and i am scared - only because i don't...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 13:57:00 GMT


you wandered into my lifewithout i a clueit could just be hypedarkness turns into light as i tell you my plight      eclipse -     eclipse - ever so slowly &nb...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 13:11:00 GMT

my destinys discourse

as some once sais amidst a great brawl -"united we stand but divided we fall" but it is what's to becomeafter all is said and donethat mean's a great deal more -far past the outcomeit is what holds th...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 00:09:00 GMT

silent dreams

i dream of youdo you dream of meeverything i dois done silently loud silentquiet silenteveryrhing everything silent silent days grow to silent nightssilent nightsno stars burn bright dreams come and d...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 11:58:00 GMT


they went awaywithout a wordwhy couldn't you stay?i have not heard don't leave me alonei cannot feel a thingall i hear is a dronethen sometimes a ring agony claws my mindi feel desolate in this cruel ...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 15:09:00 GMT


  sitting on the island - stranded by myself feeling absolutely nothing - i know there is no hope a hand comes out of nowhere - then a body soon emerge leaving all the memories - my mind begins t...
Posted by on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 13:20:00 GMT