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About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
I made this Flash Music Player at MyFlashFetish .com.
Pele. Hummingbirds Eat. Live in Tokyo. 1st Japanese Tour. 21 October 2002.
High Resolution:
Pele. Crisis Win. Live in Milwaukee. Final U.S. Show.
Pele. Safe Dolphin.
1997 - 2004.
1997 - 1998 --
Scott Beschta
Jon Mueller
Chris Rosenau
Scott Schoenbeck
1998 - 2002 --
Jon Mueller
Chris Rosenau
Matt Tennessen
2002 - 2003 --
Jon Minor
Jon Mueller
Chris Rosenau
Matt Tennessen
2004 (Final Japanese Tour Line Up) --
Jon Minor
Jon Mueller
Chris Rosenau
Jim Schoenecker
Matt Tennessen
Teaching the History of Teaching Geography CD, Star Star Stereo (US), 1998 (also released on the Rosewood Union (UK), 1998 and Some of Us (Japan), 2003)
People Living with Animals. Animals Kill People. CD, Star Star Stereo (US), 1998
Emergency Room Egg CD, Crouton (US), 1998, Japan only edition 1998
“Blue Cecil b/w Apiary” 12”, the Rosewood Union (UK), 1998
Elephant CD, Sign Language Records (US), 1999 (also released on Polyvinyl Records (US), 2003)
“Positive Woman,” it goes without saying compilation CD, Sign Language Records (US), 1999
Realize It 12”/CD, Crouton (US), 2000
The Nudes CD/LP, Polyvinyl Record Co. (US), 2000
“Gas The Nutsy,” Re Direction compilation CD, Polyvinyl Record Co. (US), 2001
“Five Years in Four Minutes,” Sangatsu remix CD, Weather Records (JP), 2001
“Hagoo,” Split LP with Rhythm of Black Lines, Sixgunlover Records (US), 2002
“Banana Pudding,” Salvo Beta remix CD (Evil Against Evil), Someoddpilot Records (US), 2002
Enemies CD/LP, Polyvinyl Record Co. (US), 2002
“Cigarette Papers,” Toe: Re:designed CD, Catune (JP), 2003
“Drop Attack,” Pele/Toe split CD, Dis(ign) Muzyq (JP), 2001, 7” on Polyvinyl Records (US) 2004.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Big Hoot.

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