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Grandma Fan Site

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About Me

I am the grandma of King Diamond.I spent many years in the asylum,and got out,and went to go live with my grandson,his sister Missy,and his mother.I loved having tea parties,and talking with "THEM" and my nosey grandson "KING" was spying on me,so I let him in my bedroom,and let him in on my secret.We then got his mother into my room,and cut her finger,so we can put her blood in our tea,which is what it took to set them free.King soon began to see & feel the warmth I did,and we had much fun doing this every night.Well one day that little snot Missy happend to peek in on on us,so I sent "THEM" after her,and they dragged her down stairs,and tossed her ass in the fire place.Soon after that King took me outside this house,and once he was outside,he changed back into his old self,and realized what has happened,and that little shit killed me.His own grandmother.Of course on the next morning police come there, along with doctor Landau, to investigate. When the doctor hears King speak about "Them" he states King is insane and puts him in the same asylum I was earlier released from. 9 years later he is released. He doesn't go back to the old house - the the memories prevent him. Another 9 years later he receives a phone call it's "ME", dead since 18 years. I tell him to go back to Amon. So he does... That's where Later he meets "Them" again, along with Missy's spirit, at the cemetery nearby. He makes a deal with "Them" - he will give Amon back to "Them", and "They" will let him meet Missy. It would all be happy if it wasn't for doctor Landau. He still supervises King, and after a bunch of lies King told him (about him not meeting "Them" anymore) decides he should meet his mother. It wouldn't be that bad if he didn't married her (as King is told in a dream by Missy). So they both come there, but King refuses to let the doctor in. He tells his mother about "Them" and the deal, but it all ends up in him being etherized... Doctor and mother then go to local priest and tell him about King. They make him believe some evil demon has posessed him and then burn him. King promises to go back and haunt them. I bet he did...

My Blog

Stupid people!

Is it just me,orĀ  are people that add pages,just click add to build their friend count up & not bother reading that persons page! This page does say straight out,I hate rap/hip hop.I don't like it,I w...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 15:23:00 GMT