This moron is now the leader of this country. WAT A DISGRACE! He has already tried to legslate rules to change civil rites laws just like the one's in Canada. Didn't tell the electorate that did we kevin. Oh and his broadband plan who would of knew that it's going to raise prices by 50% and Telstra have laughed at the plans. Bring in a legislation that makes it not compulsary to vote kevin then you will get 3% of the votes, wanker!
he goes to people houses and hold press confrences in their house, smiling with a smerk on his moon headed melon.these are official quotes taken form rudds official myspace
"I have a plan to secure Australia’s long-term prosperity" and what is that plan kevin kepping it a secret untill after the election you fuckin germ"To help keep the economy strong, I'll keep interest rates low by keeping the budget in surplus over the economic cycle, and maintaining the independence of the Reserve Bank." that is exactly what the howard govt is doing now you fuckin idiot and it doesnt work when consumer spending is high and i suppose you home buyers grant of $6,000 will keep spending low, no kevin it will increase inflation and therefore increasing interest rates. do u want to go back to the good old labor days with interest rates of 18% you are a disease kevin, a disease.he also doesnt mind spending tax payers money to go to strip clubs in New York. "i have a great interest in strip clubs, after all have you seen my wife. she just wasnt there for me cause she was to busy ripping off her employees. its o.k, it was an honest mistake theresa!"my party are full of beauracrats who have never worked a day in their lives, or getting dirt under their fingers.i've lived off my wife my whole life. she is a multi millionaire, but i really am in touch, its ok i go on youtube. my wife is so successful i bet she doesnt even vote for me, someone with real knowledge, not beaurocratic poofters like Julia Gillard.IM A DISGRACE
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
an intelligent member of the labor party, a labor candidate who doesnt have affiliations with a union, some more people from the ABC for some recruitment.