DELETED. profile picture


I'm gerally a nice person.. but you fuck with me and its over, then im the biggest ass you'll ever m

About Me

I Dare You...
-The Circle Of Chaos- Gabriel..
The Love of My Life...My Dearest Gabriel..
Man, you have no idea at how much i miss you.. you will always be in my heart
no matter what. I miss you dealry and cannot wait for you to return back to me... i love you forever and for always...
Do not forget me my love....

Ahhh dearest Ryslynn..the PYRO..*ahem*..One of my truest friends. Shes been by my side through plenty. Shes my Fire Queen and i am her Whiskey Faery..That was astablished under much drinking..::Chuckles:: Ahh yes..good times we have..i love her dearly for she is Family to me. I dont know where i would be without her or that Damn Monkey Jack..
Us...after much Tequilla..not sure where the costumes are from...sooo yea...dont ask.
Blaze is a good man..I dont know him that well, but i know that he would have my back if i ever needed help..and he knows he totally has my support even if he denys the help..stubborn monkey.::Grins::
YES! They Own a Pub! The best fucking Pub that has never been burned down yet!! And no, this pub will not ever be burned down or i will slit your throat. (Rys dont hate me for stealing the pic!!!!)
Maja..My Sister..She is a queen, and an Angel.. The Angel of Peace and Love to be exact. Shes special to me, we have so many good times drinking together, and just being goofs. I dont know what i would do without her..Maja i loveeee you so much sis and i misss youu!!!
Yet again..i dont really know Nat that well. Shes a good Women, and i totally have her back being an Angel and all. I care for her, She is a part of my friendship and life, and if you fuck with her.... you will die.. No warning this time.
Us sexay ladies being Very goofy... i think we can blame this one on the Tequilla and Whiskey..::Grins::Layout made by danceismyheart

My Interests

My Story..My Life.Enjoy.
My real name is Raguel.
I am known as Keira, to the mortals,
i am referred to as the archangel of justice, fairness and harmony.
I watches over other angels
to make sure they are working well together with mortals in a
harmonious and orderly fashion according to Divine order and will.

I brings all the other archangels and angels to account for their
improper deeds, and I issues the punishment for angels who have transgressed. I am of the order of principalities and needs to be vigilant.
Because of my actions against other angels, some mortals have misinterpreted
my role and nature, believing me to be a demon,
but I am benign and only seeks to keep heaven pure of corruption.
As manifestation of the divine will, which means I am in constant counsel
with the lawful and good deities I serve.
I am not mentioned in the canonical writings of the Bible. My names is listed as one of the seven archangels
Me, Maja's Sister,
am one of the most important angels in heaven and I have powers beyond my imagination as I am the one who puts the others to justice..
I must learn all my new powers and hopefully gain my strength and memory.

I was Born in England..and i never knew my real parents
i was adopted by people
and raised a mortal
I'll begin my story of me growing up as a mortal..and things that happend
along the way.
My previous lifestyle was outragous!
I was a

..bounty hunter as you could call it..
i would go around and terrorize people, and make trouble by teasing men and scaming
people for money and that..i would dress to impress and bring in the guy...
Then my boys would take them out, they were bad guys no worrys...
And well one night, i guess i messed with the wrong people.
Those same people are out to get me, but their plan backfired..i ended up killing my ex-boss
after he shot my best friend that night, and my cousin 3 years ago.
Now i got some crazy ass psyco trying to kill me and my fiance..Hes shot at me, tried to strangle me, and god knows what else he has in mind..
I used to do what he is doing to me now,
so i am partially ready for most of the things he does..but he has tricks up his sleeves,
and he is reaaally clever. But i dont have to worry about him really anymore... things have quieted down
Since i figured out he was put on a new assignment for a long while...

:♥:Now I am currently engaged to the love of my freaking life!
Hes everything i want and more, hes the love of my life, and well, i love him.

Hes sweet, romantic, passionate, charming, and fucking hott. I couldnt ask for anything more,
for i am very happy.:♥:

Its not easy being an Archangel,
everyone always
thinks that being an Angel is fun..
Well i have news for you people, Its Not.
Theres so much to learn
and so many things that i dont know, and im affraid it will take me
to learn all the things i need to learn.
That is why i am thankful i have My Sister, Maja.
Shes my Guide and i would
be completely lost without her, thats for sure

Now, my brother Lucifer has stepped into my life and he has played such a
great part, hes there for me, and he has changed alot for me and Maja
and i know, that inside his heart, theres a spot for me..
It may not be a huge spot,
and heck, i may be wrong about it ,,but i feel that its there.. and i hope
its there ,,,i know he cares ..and thats all that matters..

I'd like to meet:

Watch out!! These ladies are Fiery and Chaotic.. dont fuck with them... you life would be at stake..

i miss gabe..............


Never Forget... Gabriel...

No.. he is not dead...he is away.. Yes he is my Fiancee.. and i will never
forget him... I am making this dedication to him because i love him very much... i just wnt him to know that no matter what happends he will always
be in my heart... and he will always be my number one...

I do wish that he would come back to me... but i am sure that whatever his reasons are.... they are to protect me... or prevent anything from happenign to me..

i just wish that he could be with me here today... the days that i need him the most on...
Gabe.. i love you so much.. and i will never forget you.. if you dont come back.. To let you know...
My heart will ALWAYS be yours...
And i will love you through this and thin.... i hope you come back to me soon my love..
You will always have a place here at home.... just please come back to me soon.... i miss you soooo much..i love you.

My Blog

Ssaving my ASS!!!!!

::looks up at gabriel with a smile:: its about time! were alright... ::looks back at Ry..:: well i am somewhat at least..shes pale and weak..
Posted by Keira the5th Angel:Devins Slave:Possesed by Devil: on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:05:00 PST

Michael Jackson Armstrong..**I Will Miss You**..R.I.P.

*Michael* I will always miss you, and i will never forget about you..I will always love you, for you were my first love, and i will never forget that. We had our great moments, but things just didnt...
Posted by Keira the5th Angel:Devins Slave:Possesed by Devil: on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 02:17:00 PST

Me caught up with me

Alright, i am going to tell you my story now..about my past..i used to be a troublemaker and scamed people and made alot of trouble for myself..and well one night i guess i messed with the wrong peopl...
Posted by Keira the5th Angel:Devins Slave:Possesed by Devil: on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 08:13:00 PST