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Lil Jay

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Member Since: 16/08/2007
Band Members:LilJay BiographyLil Jay wurde am 5.8.1991 in Kurgan-Tjube, Tadschikistan geboren.1993 sahen sich Lil Jay und seine Familie durch den 1992 ausgebrochenen Bürgerkrieg gezwungen einen sichereren Lebensort zu finden.Die Wahl fiel, aufgrund deutscher Vorfahren väterlicherseits, schnell auf Deutschland, wo die Familie eine komplett neue, zunächst mittellose Existenz aufbauen musste.Jay wächst nun zweisprachig auf (später sollten sich noch zwei weitere Sprachen dazu gesellen).Als er im Alter von ca. 9 Jahren in der Nachbarschaft zum ersten Mal auf Dwayne A. Flamer JR. trifft, der später zu seinem besten Freund avancieren sollte, begeistert ihn dieser fürHip Hop Music aus Übersee.Der Grundstein und wohl eine der wichtigsten Beziehungen für die spätere Karriere waren gelegt.Mit 13 beginnt Lil Jay englische Texte zu verfassen, und auf Drängen von Freunden, diese zu Hause aufzunehmen.So um seinen 15. Geburtstag herum, wird sein damaliger bester Freund Dwayne Jr., von dem sich der Kontakt schon zu lösen schien, wieder auf ihn aufmerksam, da dieser -wohl genetisch bedingt- selbst damit angefangen hatte Musik zu machen.Zu alledem kam auch noch die Tatsache, dass der Firmengründer Dwayne A Flamer SR. wiederum (den Jay bereits durch die früher geteilte Nachbarschaft und später als seinen Basketball Coach zu schätzen gelernt hatte), zwischenzeitlich sein eigenes Tonstudio auf die Beine gestellt hatte.Dieser hatte Jays (künstlerische) Entwicklung aus nächster Nähe mitverfolgen können und erklärt sich 2008 dazu bereit, dem jungen Talent, der langsam aber sicher -durch seine bis dahin selbst aufgenommenen Tracks und verschiedene Auftritte- zu einem Hometown Favorite avanciert war, die Chance zu geben, seine Qualitäten erstmals unter professionellen Bedingungen unter Beweis zu stellen.Nach sofortiger Begeisterung und einigen bürokratisch bedingten Verzögerungen (s. Labelinfos) arbeiten Dwayne Flamer Sr. und Lil Jay nun an der Fertigstellung seines Debutalbums“mindblowing mind”Lil Jay was born on 05.08.1991 in Kurgan-Tjube, Tadjikistan.A civil war broke out in 1992; as a result and just one year later, Lil Jay and his family were forced to leave their home, friends and relatives, on the search for a safer place to live.Thanks to german ancestors (on his fathers side) they were able to settle in Germany where they had to literally start from scratch and adjust to a new way of life.Jay grows up bilingual now (German/Russian), two more languages (English and French) should soon be added in school…At the age of 9, he was first introduced to Hip Hop by Dwayne A. Flamer JR., a german-american “mixed” kid of the same age, who happened to live in the neighborhood and who would turn out to be his new best friend.Although different by heritage, they had a lot in common: Their parents were working hard on adjusting to the German “Way of Life” (Dwayne and his family had just recently left their home in the US and moved to the neighborhood). Aside from their love of Hip Hop, they both enjoyed playing basketball, and to top it off: they each had a little sister to cope with. Which can be pretty annoying when you’re 9…From now on, and for a couple of years, the two were unseparable.They even joined a Bball team together, coached by his best buddy’s dad Dwaynes A. Flamer SR., a very ambitious and musically inclined, self-employed Restaurant Chef at that time.The foundations to their prospective careers were already laid at this point, however, none of the participating parties were aware of that yet. But we’ll get to that later…At age 13 Jay starts to write his first Hip Hop lyrics –in surprisingly smooth flowing US-English, and urged by friends, he begins to record his songs at home.The once very close knit friendship with Dwayne Jr. had slacked off in the meantime… Besides going to different schools and therefore being influenced by a different crowd, they now lived across opposite sides of town -due to the latest moves of their ambitious parents. His former Bball Coach (in pursuit of his own career) is slowly but surely running out of spare time to continue coaching, and finally leaves the Bball Club.But their deteriorating friendship was rekindled a couple of years later, when Dwayne Jr., who had also been considering a musical carrer at that time, introduces Jay to the newly established recording studio that his dad had been working on for quite some time.Thanks to Jays own home recordings and impressing performances at a few live events, he had already advanced to a hometown favorite.Mr. Flamer, an entrepreneur in the Musicbiz now, had been following Jays development as an artist and was impressed by the skills of the young inspiring artist and his expanding versatility.Jays lyrics and flow seem to also make a perfect match for the label owners musical compositions, so he agrees to let Jay prove his skills -under professional recording conditions. Jay managed to pass all the tests with flying colors. (a noteworthy fact: Jay is ALWAYS on time!)A few obstacles on the administrative side, had to be tackled before closing the deal, and Jay was signed to become an official representative of FlameDoggRecords. (For more info on this subject, check label infos)Momentarily Jay is working on the completion of his debut album “mind-blowing mind ”.Place Object Code Here
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Record Label: Unsigned

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