Shops like ours across this great land are becoming increasingly rare, in case you haven't noticed, primarily because a couple of generations of musicians and prospective musician's parents have grown up with the ideas that the cheapest price is always the best price and that you have to accept lousy or nonexistant service before the sale and shoddy support after it, in order to get those low prices. (Does this sound like the place where you got your latest piece of gear?) Those superstores and megamarts, owned and operated by large corporations whose only goal is to show a profit to the shareholders and staffed by folks who, for the most part, don't know a widget from a whammy bar (and who, quite frankly, don't seem very passionate about what they are doing,) are ubiquitous and capable of putting each and every small guitar shop (or hardware store, grocery store, small appliance store....) out of business. However, that can't happen unless the buying public wants it to happen.
However, I don't wish to misrepresent myself. Would I like to become rich running my guitar shop? You bet ! Will I ? Well, I haven't in seventeen years, so I guess not. However, Heights Guitars has always operated under one premise: to support local and regional musicians, luthiers and amp builders in the hope that they will, in turn, support Heights Guitars.
Brother and sister musicians, ladies and gentlemen, young men and women, boys and girls - think globally, but support your local musicians and BUY LOCALLY !
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