God Bless you!
Marvin C. Moreland (Bud) is an ambassador for Christ for such a time as this. Bud is the oldest son of Pastor Marvin C. & Charisse D. Moreland, the grandson of Maggie Moreland and the late Marvin C. Moreland Sr., Drs. James & Viola Addie Watkins. Bud attends Deliverance Temple Ministries Church of God in Christ where he is very active in many capacities such as: the Vice President of the Youth Department, the Music Department, the Adjutants, and the Assistant to the Administrative Assistant. Bud works on the District level as District Secretary, and also a Youth Committee member. Bud is also privileged to work in the First Jurisdiction of Western Pennsylvania under the leadership of Bishop James M. Foster and Mother Loretta Meadows-Clark as a Youth Advisory Council member, and Jurisdictional AIM planning Committee. Bud graduated fifth in the class of 2007 from Aliquippa Senior High School. Bud was very active in high school. He served as Regional President of Region 13 for the Pennsylvania Future Business Leaders of America, a member of the National Honor Society, and the SADD club just to name a few. Bud currently attends the Community College of Beaver County majoring in Business Administration. Bud was elected as President of the Student Government Association. Bud is a visionary, the Lord instructs us to "write the vision, and make it plain." Buds vision includes being a Pastor and Bishop one day. Bud will pastor the Holy Ground Cathedral Church of God in Christ. Bud serves as Jurisdictional Prelate of the First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Western Pennsylvania, and is the Presiding Bishop of the Myspace Penecostal Assemblies.
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