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Why Do The Good Die Young

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Ultimate survey of 2005. past, present, future, and everything random!
Time:: 7:48am
Name:: Max
Nickname(s):: Maximus, Maximo and many more
Favorite nickname:: Maximus
Age:: 21
Age you act:: 18
Age you wish you could be:: 15
Height:: 6'0
Weight:: 240
Shoe size:: 12
Siblings:: yes 3 sisters and one brother
Pets:: none
Living situation:: family
Location:: Miami FL
Childhood past and General past
Favorite toy:: Xbox
How did you dress?: Tims and jeans and button up shirt.
Preschool:: Steven Dillard Primary School. in Nassau Bahamas
What age did you stop using the bottle?: dont know
Did you prefer playing indoors or outdoors?: outdoors
Did you have an immaginary friends?: no
First pet:: cat.
What did you want to be when you grew up?: dont remember
Do you still want to be that?: i guess not
(assuming you do) did you always have your own room?: no
Did you ever ask a fat lady how long she'd been pregnant for?: lol, no
What age did you learn to read and write?: i think about three or four
Were you quiet or nosy?: noisy
What was your favorite story book?: dont know
Second favorite?:
Third favorite?:
Sum yourself up as a kid.: delinquent
Who was your first best friend?: kelson hamilton
How old were you when you had your first birthday party?: i never had one
Where was it?: no where
What was your earliest bedtime?: i think at like 9 or 10
When did you learn to ride a bike?: at the age of 4 no training wheels
Were you immaginative?: no
Did you play with gender appropriate toys?: yes
Did you play with age appropriate toys?: kinda
What was your favorite stuffed animal?: didn't have one
How many barbies did you have?: i'm a boy none
Did you have carebears?: noooooooo
Ninja turtles?: hell yeah
That creepy bear that reads books?: no lol
Did you like to climb trees?: all the times
Throw tantrums?: are you crazy, my mom would kill me
Was it hard to sleep, or did you sleep like a baby?: like a baby
Did you go to the zoo?: no. unfortunately...
Did you scream a lot?: hell naw.
Did you ever go to an amusement park?: yeah
When and where was your first kiss?: 3rd grade in the playground.
Kissed someone of the opposite sex?: yes
Kissed someone of the same sex?: hell no
how many total goldfish have you collectively owned?: 0
As a kid, what was the best thing ever?: marbles and the beach.
The worst?: school, and it still is today
What was the best year of your life?: the year 2000
Generally, in the past, have you ever:
Ran away from home?: yeah right.
Snuck out?: yeah
Wished on a star?: no
Danced in the rain?: kinda
Been to an unsupervised party?: all the time
Been drunk?: don't drink
Smoked?: no
Been beaten up?: yeah right... lol
Been depressed?: kinda
Been lonely?: yeah
Been afraid of the dark?: no
Cut your own hair?: trimed
Stayed up all night?: all the time
Gone streaking?: no. lol
Gone skinny dipping?: nooooo...
Played strip poker?: kinda....
Been on a roof?: yeah
Been in a trash can?: no, but i dumped my sister in one. doe that count
Egged somebodies house?: lol. yeah
Teepeed someones house?: yeah
Cheated on a guy / girl?: no
Cheated on a test?: yeah
Set something on fire on purpose?: yea
Set something on fire accidentally?: all the time as a child.
Eaten squid?: no
Eaten sushi?: no
Had a cell phone?: got one now
Had a computer?: have one now
Had an ipod / mp2 player?: mp3 player
Broken a light bulb?: yea
Cruised the streets past 3 AM?: yeah
Did a prank call?: yeah. lol
Gone to school with a hangover?: no
Been in love?: no
Sworn at your parents?: yeah
Regretted something you did?: kinda
Regretted something you should have done but never did?: yeah. kinda
Lied to your parents?: yes
Lied to your friends?: i dont think so
Are you a lucky person?: i say that to my self all the time
Are you a happy person?: yes
Are you a virgin?: unfortunately no.
What are you wearing?: tims jeans and shirt...
What did you have for breakfast?: nothin
What kind of socks do you wear?: white short socks
What are your most comfortable shoes?: my tims
Are you doing well in school?: this semester yeah.
Do you have a lot of friends?: yea
Are you happy with them?: of course
Past of 2005:
Did 2005 treat you well?: no...
Did it go by fast, slow, or at just the right pace?: too slow
Approximately how many parties did you go to?: about 6
What was your biggest acheivement this year?: loosing about 15-20 pounds
Did you change over 2005?: yes
Did your hairstyle change?: no. but i am thinking about it
How much taller did you get from last year?: didn't grown an inch
Did you make new friends?: yes
Did you lose any old friends?: one. now shes with god.
Did you try new things?: yea
Go places you've never been?: not really
Do things you've never done?: yeah
Things you never thought you would do?: not really
Have fun?: yeah
What do you miss most about 2005?: dont know. every thing is still prett much there
If you could choose one thing to completely undo, what would it be?: nothin
If you could choose one thing to redo (fix) what would it be?: nothin
If you could choose one thing to relive, what would it be?: my trip to orlando
Did 2005 have a big impact on your life?: yeah
Do you think 2006 will be better?: of course...
Was 2005 special?: not really.
Was it the best year for you?: no
Future, mainly 2006
Have you made a resolution?: kinda but still contemplating.
What's one thing you will do differently in 2006?: don't know
What are your goals?: pass school for the most part
Do you feel fullfilled?: not yet
Are you going to learn something new from 2006?: yea
What's one place you want to go?: orlando and nassau bahamas
What's the main thing you want out of 2006?: a new car
Back to this past year, have you bee..
Naughty or Nice?: nice
Happy or Sad?: happy
Dull or Interesting?: interesting
Boring or Fun?: fun
Cray or Normal?: normal i guess
Wild or Calm?: calm
Mean or Kind?: kind like always
Caring?: yes
Carefree?: not relly
Careless?: no
Careful?: not really
Loud or Silent?: silent
Smart or Stupid?: stupid.
Last but not least..
Nine things you won't be able to live without. Go.
1.: family
2.: friends
3.: education
4.: money
5.: job
6.: car
7.: food
8.: exercise
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loohcs ta yad dab

just in case your wonder what the tittle is read on and figure it out. i decide to write this blog because evry one was writting one. so here it goes. well to start of today had to probrably been the ...
Posted by Max on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 05:21:00 PST